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ABA Check / Draft Routing Numbers Use

Here are some examples of how the routing number information from this web site is used.

Tracking down accounts used to defraud

My partner at work was served divorce papers after 32 years of marriage (in California). During the proceedings he discovered that everything he worked for (cash savings for retirement, paying off all the debts before retirement, etc) was gone. Not only was there no cash at the end of the marriage, there was $40,000 remaining debt that was never paid as he thought it had been. He found one instance of his forged signature on a credit application filled out by his ex ten years prior, which debt he had already agreed to pay before he realized that the account was opened with his forged signature on the appcliaction. You get the idea.......

He managed to get to several boxes (they were hidden form him) of the cancelled checks to see who the payee's have been. On the back of one of the checks was the endorsement of his sister-in-law and a long number, 11 digits. He doesn't have a computer, so I logged on to your site.. The information you have provided helped me to deduct that this was an account number, and that the routing number is not embedded in the account number.

He is paying alimony and is trying to find any joint accounts his ex-spouse may, and probably does, have. The divorce process has been a complete sham - his opposing council has a felony public discipline for using money to influence case outcomes, and his ex, who apparantly forged his name whenever she wanted, has a working background in the savings and loan industry. Together these two are formidable opponents in a Family "Law" court that, in my opinion, is out of control here in California. Any meaningful doscovery he initiated, (that would show his forged signature on additional applications for credit, for example), has been thwarted by her attorney without consequense, up to now.

Anyway, this is the reason I signed up with your site, to try to find out as much as possible about that number. I don't know if this is the purpose for your site, but at least I know that the number he found is not a routing number but an account number. Now he has a good chance of finding out if this is a joint account between his ex and her sister, IF the routing number is associated with the account number on the back. This and other facts could have a positive impact on either a motion to have his spousal support lowered, or a revision of property division.

Sorry if this was much more "story" than how the use of your site helped me - but it did, even if only it was to verify the routing number of sister-in-law's credit union account. So far so good!

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