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Language Pcl LJ1889.ASC


     The CI command uses your current pen position as the
     center of the circle; you specify the radius of the
     circle.  For more information see the PCL 5 Printer
     Language Technical Reference Manual.
     LEGEND: Ec = [Ctrl] [P] Esc] in DOS EDIT
     EcE                           Resets the printer.
     Ec%0B                         Enters HP-GL/2 mode.
     IN;                           Initializes HP-GL/2.
     SP1;                          Selects pen number 1,
                                   (black). The SP command
                                   must be used to enable
     PA2400,2500;                  Specifies absolute
                                   plotting and moves to
                                   position (2400,2500).
     CI500;                        Draws a circle with a
                                   radius of 500 plu
                                   (plotter units); the
                                   center of the circle is
                                   the current pen location
     Ec%0A                         Enters the PCL mode.
     EcE                           Sends a reset to end the
                                   job and eject the page.
            Copyright  Hewlett-Packard Co. 1993
   The information contained herein is subject to change
                      without notice.
   Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for incidental or
  consequential damages in connection with the use of this

file: /Techref/language/pcl/lj1889.asc, 1KB, , updated: 1993/11/15 17:15, local time: 2024/9/1 00:10,

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