please dont rip this site
   /*Following code is to upload and save a jpeg image in PHP -    
works ONLY with POST in the form!
add checks for GIF OR remove all checks to cater for other formatsBest to put this code before HTML code*/
global $userfile, $userfile_name, $userfile_size, $userfile_type, $archive_dir, $WINDIR;if(isset($WINDIR)) $userfile = str_replace("\\\\","\\", $userfile);
$filename = basename($userfile_name);

$lcfilename = strtolower($filename);
// check file extension
$ftype = strstr($lcfilename,'.j');
if ($ftype == ".jpg") $jpegok = "y";
if ($ftype == ".jpeg") $jpegok = "y";
if (!$jpegok) echo "<script language=\"javascript\"> alert('You must supply a JPEG file.')</script>";
else {
if($userfile_size <= 0) die ("$filename is empty.");
if(!@copy($userfile, "$archive_dir/$filename")) die("Can't copy $userfile_name to $filename.");
if(!isset($WINDIR) && !@unlink($userfile))
die ("Can't delete the file $userfile_name.");
// if entering data in a database following upload this is the place to do it!
}/* in the body of the HTML at the appropriate point you need
<input name="userfile" type="file" size="30">


Home: Open Source: htmlArea v2.0:
HtmlArea with Image upload and extra functions


Dec 31, 2002, 11:25 AM

Post #1 of 8 (291 views)
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HtmlArea with Image upload and extra functions Can't Post

Hi Everyone,

I have finished my version with the image-upload function. (sorry but it's in dutch)
For the upload i use Aspupload that you can download for a free 30-days trail.
For download see

Only thing that i want to change is the insert_image dialog so you can select the images from the uploadfolder and get a preview.

Modify these files and lines to get the upload script working

progress_upload.asp, line 44
replace the path to your upload path.
n = Upload.Save("e:\Inetpub\wwwroot\z_testzone\HTMLarea_wme\uploads\")

deletefiles.asp, line 40
replace the path to your upload path.
Directory = "e:\Inetpub\wwwroot\z_testzone\HTMLarea_wme\uploads\" ' initial directory

Add two custom buttoms in editor.js

this.toolbar = [

this.btnList = {
"custom2": ['custom2', 'Upload file', 'editor_action(', 'ed_image_up.gif'],
"custom3": ['custom3', 'Verwijder files', 'editor_action(', 'ed_image_del.gif'],

Custom buttom section.

// Custom2 - upload files
else if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'custom2'){'popups/upload/progress.Asp',null,'width=390,height=225,status=no,scrollbars=auto,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');
// Custom3 - Delete files
else if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'custom3'){"popups/upload/deletefiles.Asp",null,"height='100',width='380',status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,location=no");

If you find bugs please let me know !!!

If there are people who are working on a Table-function thats better then the function in version 2.03
(delete, insert, modify rows and collumns) or other functions please let me know ;-)

This version contains also following extra functions:

I hope you like it Wink


Still 3 hours and 40 minutes untill 2003 (in Belgium), enjoy Cool

Attachments: (50.5 KB)

User / Moderator

Dec 31, 2002, 2:44 PM

Post #2 of 8 (281 views)
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Re: [redspider] HtmlArea with Image upload and extra functions [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks so much for your contribution! You should make a lot of ASP htmlArea users happy...! CoolCool

And Happy New Year...? Almost? Another 20 minutes, maybe? Wink


(This post was edited by Benjamin on Dec 31, 2002, 2:45 PM)


Jan 3, 2003, 12:54 PM

Post #3 of 8 (193 views)
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Re: [redspider] HtmlArea with Image upload and extra functions [In reply to] Can't Post

Redspider, do you have a php-version also?

greetings, Leo - KILLspamawe~NOSPAM~ at (also belgium!)


Jan 3, 2003, 1:31 PM

Post #4 of 8 (190 views)
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Re: [lvni900] HtmlArea with Image upload and extra functions [In reply to] Can't Post


Sorry, but at this moment i just have a little knowledge of ASP, so i just have an ASP version.

Maybe, you can find a sollution at or where you can find a lot of scripts and components.

If i find something i will post it in this forum.



Jan 3, 2003, 4:32 PM

Post #5 of 8 (180 views)
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Re: [lvni900] HtmlArea with Image upload and extra functions [In reply to] Can't Post

i have a PHP version for uploading images

i am going to rewrite it for use with sql , so i can use extra info for the images.

the old php version may be used by people that can use it, but don't think is the ultimate tool.

if you want it, please mail me so i can prepare the files to add it for download


Jan 5, 2003, 8:23 AM

Post #6 of 8 (106 views)
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Re: [mixmuis] HtmlArea with Image upload and extra functions [In reply to] Can't Post

To mail you, I'll need your email-adress.

But, never mind, I wrote the thing myself yesterday.

Anyway, thanks.

New User

Jan 7, 2003, 10:14 AM

Post #7 of 8 (38 views)
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Re: [lvni900] HtmlArea with Image upload and extra functions [In reply to] Can't Post


Can u send me your PHP Script to Uplod!

Thanks Daniel

New User

Jan 7, 2003, 11:38 AM

Post #8 of 8 (27 views)
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Re: [dmoellenbeck] HtmlArea with Image upload and extra functions [In reply to] Can't Post


Here is some PHP upload code for you - hope it can be used - keep us posted!

   /*Following code is to upload and save a jpeg image in PHP -    
works ONLY with POST in the form!
add checks for GIF OR remove all checks to cater for other formatsBest to put this code before HTML code*/
global $userfile, $userfile_name, $userfile_size, $userfile_type, $archive_dir, $WINDIR;if(isset($WINDIR)) $userfile = str_replace("\\\\","\\", $userfile);
$filename = basename($userfile_name);

$lcfilename = strtolower($filename);
// check file extension
$ftype = strstr($lcfilename,'.j');
if ($ftype == ".jpg") $jpegok = "y";
if ($ftype == ".jpeg") $jpegok = "y";
if (!$jpegok) echo "<script language=\"javascript\"> alert('You must supply a JPEG file.')</script>";
else {
if($userfile_size <= 0) die ("$filename is empty.");
if(!@copy($userfile, "$archive_dir/$filename")) die("Can't copy $userfile_name to $filename.");
if(!isset($WINDIR) && !@unlink($userfile))
die ("Can't delete the file $userfile_name.");
// if entering data in a database following upload this is the place to do it!
}/* in the body of the HTML at the appropriate point you need
<input name="userfile" type="file" size="30">

(This post was edited by aeon on Jan 7, 2003, 11:41 AM)


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