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Ubicom SX Embedded Controller Instruction Set

The SX instruction set is PIC 16x54 compatible with a few additions....

Use Al Williams Microchip-style mnemonics (cached 20000731) for PIC coding in the SXKey.

Use from Richard Ottosen for Scenix coding in MPLAB then program the Hex file to the SX using just about any SX Programmer

Also: see the Code Library

SX Instruction set table:

Note: change CLR WDT to CLR !WDT, but accept old version, too.

						I N S T R U C T I O N   S E T

Instruction	   Words Cycles	Flags	Affects	Description			Microchip Equivalent

						byte-oriented operations

MOV	W,#lit		1  1	-	W	Move literal into W		MOVLW lit
MOV	W,fr		1	Z	W	Move fr into W			MOVF fr,0
MOV	fr,W		1	-	fr	Move W into fr			MOVWF fr
MOV	fr,#lit		2	-	W,fr	Move literal into fr		MOVLW lit; MOVWF fr
MOV	fr1,fr2		2	Z	W,fr1	Move fr2 into fr1		MOVF fr2,0; MOVWF fr1
ADD	W,fr		1	C,DC,Z	-	Add fr into W			ADDWF fr,0
ADD	fr,W		1	C,DC,Z	-,fr	Add W into fr			ADDWF fr,1
ADD	fr,#lit		2	C,DC,Z	W,fr	Add literal into fr		MOVLW lit; ADDWF fr,1
ADD	fr1,fr2		2	C,DC,Z	W,fr1	Add fr2 into fr1		MOVF fr2,0; ADDWF fr1,1
MOV	W,fr-W		1	C,DC,Z	-	Move fr-W into W		SUBWF fr,0
SUB	fr,W		1	C,DC,Z	-,fr	Subtract W from fr		SUBWF fr,1
SUB	fr,#lit		2	C,DC,Z	W,fr	Subtract lit from fr		MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,1
SUB	fr1,fr2		2	C,DC,Z	W,fr1	Subtract fr2 from fr1		MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,1
AND	W,#lit		1	Z	-	AND literal into W		ANDLW lit
AND	W,fr		1	Z	-	AND fr into W			ANDWF fr,0
AND	fr,W		1	Z	-,fr	AND W into fr			ANDWF fr,1
AND	fr,#lit		2	Z	W,fr	AND literal into fr		MOVLW lit; ANDWF fr,1
AND	fr1,fr2		2	Z	W,fr1	AND fr2 into fr1		MOVF fr2,0; ANDWF fr,1
OR	W,#lit		1	Z	-	OR literal into W		IORLW lit
OR	W,fr		1	Z	-	OR fr into W			IORWF fr,0
OR	fr,W		1	Z	-,fr	OR W into fr			IORWF fr,1
OR	fr,#lit		2	Z	W,fr	OR literal into fr		MOVLW lit; IORWF fr,1
OR	fr1,fr2		2	Z	W,fr1	OR fr2 into fr1			MOVF fr2,0; IORWF fr1,1
XOR	W,#lit		1	Z	-	XOR literal into W		XORLW lit
XOR	W,fr		1	Z	-	XOR fr into W			XORWF fr,0
XOR	fr,W		1	Z	-	XOR W into fr			XORWF fr,1
XOR	fr,#lit		2	Z	W	XOR literal into fr		MOVLW lit; XORWF fr,1
XOR	fr1,fr2		2	Z	W	XOR fr2 into fr1		MOVF fr2,0; XORWF fr1,1
CLR	W		1	Z	-	Clear W				CLRW
CLR	fr		1	Z	-	Clear fr			CLRF fr
MOV	W,++fr		1	Z	-	Move fr+1 into W		INCF fr,0
INC	fr		1	Z	-	Increment fr			INCF fr,1
MOV	W,--fr		1	Z	-	Move fr-1 into W		DECF fr,0
DEC	fr		1	Z	-	Decrement fr			DECF fr,1
MOV	W,<<fr 		1 	C 	- 	Move left-rotated fr into W 	RLF fr,0 
RL 	fr 		1 	C 	- 	Rotate left fr 			RLF fr,1 
MOV 	W,>>fr		1	C	-	Move right-rotated fr into W	RRF fr,0
RR	fr		1	C	-	Rotate right fr			RRF fr,1
MOV	W,<>fr		1	-	-	Move nibble-swapped fr into W	SWAPF fr,0
SWAP	fr		1	-	-	Swap nibbles in fr		SWAPF fr,1
NOT	W		1	Z	-	Perform not on W		XORLW 0FFh
MOV	W,/fr		1	Z	-	Move not'd fr into W		COMF fr,0
NOT	fr		1	Z	-	Perform not on fr		COMF fr,1
TEST	W		1	Z	-	Test W for zero			IORLW 0
TEST	fr		1	Z	-	Test fr for zero		MOVF fr,1
TSTN	w		1	Z	w	Test W for $FF	(NOT w)		XORLW 0FFh
TSTN	fr		1	Z	fr	Test fr for $FF	(NOT fr)	COMF fr,1

						bit-oriented operations

CLRB	bit		1	-	-	Clear bit			BCF bit
CLC			1	C	-	Clear carry			BCF 3,0
CLZ			1	Z	-	Clear zero			BCF 3,2
SETB	bit		1	-	-	Set bit				BSF bit
STC			1	C	-	Set carry			BSF 3,0
STZ			1	Z	-	Set zero			BSF 3,2
ADDB	fr,bit		2	Z	-	Add bit into fr			BTFSC bit; INCF fr,1
ADDB	fr,/bit		2	Z	-	Add not bit into fr		BTFSS bit; INCF fr,1
SUBB	fr,bit		2	Z	-	Subtract bit from fr		BTFSC bit; DECF fr,1
SUBB	fr,/bit		2	Z	-	Subtract not bit from fr	BTFSS bit; DECF fr,1
MOVB	bit1,bit2	4	-	-	Move bit2 into bit1		BTFSS bit2; BCF bit1; BTFSC bit2; BSF bit1 (doesn't work)
MOVB	bit1,/bit2	4	-	-	Move not bit2 into bit1		BTFSC bit2; BCF bit1; BTFSS bit2; BSF bit1 (doesn't work)

						inc/dec-conditional branches

MOVSZ	W,++fr		1	-	-	Move fr+1 into W, skip if zero	INCFSZ fr,0
INCSZ	fr		1	-	-	Increment fr, skip if zero	INCFSZ fr,1
IJNZ	fr,addr		2 *	-	-	Increment fr, jump if not zero	INCFSZ fr,1; GOTO addr
MOVSZ	W,--fr		1	-	-	Move fr-1 into W, skip if zero	DECFSZ fr,0
DECSZ	fr		1	-	-	Decrement fr, skip if zero	DECFSZ fr,1
DJNZ	fr,addr		2 *	-	-	Decrement fr, jump if not zero	DECFSZ fr,1; GOTO addr

						compare-conditional branches

CSE	fr,#lit		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if equal		MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,2
CSE	fr1,fr2		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if equal		MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,2
CSNE	fr,#lit		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if not equal	MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,2
CSNE	fr1,fr2		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if not equal	MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,2
CSA	fr,#lit		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if above		MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0
CSA	fr1,fr2		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if above		MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSC 3,0
CSAE	fr,#lit		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if above or equal	MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0
CSAE	fr1,fr2		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if above or equal	MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,0
CSB	fr,#lit		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if below		MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0
CSB	fr1,fr2		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if below		MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,0
CSBE	fr,#lit		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if below or equal	MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0
CSBE	fr1,fr2		3	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, skip if below or equal	MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSS 3,0
CJE	fr,#lit,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if equal		MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,2; GOTO addr
CJE	fr1,fr2,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if equal		MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,2; GOTO addr
CJNE	fr,#lit,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if not equal	MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,2; GOTO addr
CJNE	fr1,fr2,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if not equal	MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,2; GOTO addr
CJA	fr,#lit,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if above		MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr
CJA	fr1,fr2,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if above		MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr
CJAE	fr,#lit,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if above or equal	MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr
CJAE	fr1,fr2,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if above or equal	MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr
CJB	fr,#lit,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if below		MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr
CJB	fr1,fr2,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if below		MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr
CJBE	fr,#lit,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if below or equal	MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr
CJBE	fr1,fr2,addr	4 *	C,DC,Z	W	Compare, jump if below or equal	MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr

						bit-conditional branches

SB	bit		1	-	-	Skip if bit			BTFSS bit
SC			1	-	-	Skip if carry			BTFSS 3,0
SZ			1	-	-	Skip if zero			BTFSS 3,2
SNB	bit		1	-	-	Skip if not bit			BTFSC bit
SNC			1	-	-	Skip if not carry		BTFSC 3,0
SNZ			1	-	-	Skip if not zero		BTFSC 3,2
JB	bit,addr	2 *	-	-	Jump to address if bit		BTFSC bit; GOTO addr
JC	addr		2 *	-	-	Jump to address if carry	BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr
JZ	addr		2 *	-	-	Jump to address if zero		BTFSC 3,2; GOTO addr
JNB	bit,addr	2 *	-	-	Jump to address if not bit	BTFSS bit; GOTO addr
JNC	addr		2 *	-	-	Jump to address if not carry	BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr
JNZ	addr		2 *	-	-	Jump to address if not zero	BTFSS 3,2; GOTO addr

						unconditional branches

SKIP			1	-	-	Skip next instruction word	BTFSC/BTFSS 2,0
JMP	addr		1 *	-	-	Jump to address			GOTO addr
JMP	PC+W		1	C,DC,Z	-	Add W into PC(L)		ADDWF 2,1
JMP	W		1	-	-	Move W into PC(L)		MOVWF 2
CALL	addr		1 *	-	-	Call to address
RETW	lit,lit...	1	-	-	Return from call, literal in W
RET			1	-	-	Return from call
RETP			1	-	-	Return from call, affect PA2:PA0
RETI			1	-	-	Return from interrupt
RETIW			1	-	-	Return from interrupt, compensate RTCC

			Note: Skips should be followed only by single-word instructions.

			* Increase by 1 word if @addr used to insert page instruction.

						i/o and control operations

PAGE	addr		1	-	-	Transfer addr.11:addr.9 into PA2:PA0, will delay skipping
BANK	fr		1	-	-	Transfer fr.7:fr.5 into FSR.7:FSR.5
MOV	M,#lit		1	-	-	Move literal into M
MOV	M,W		1	-	-	Move W into M
MOV	M,fr		2	Z	W	Move fr into M
MOV	W,M		1	-	-	Move M into W
MOV	fr,M		2	-	W	Move M into fr
MOV	!port,W		1	-	-	Move W into port's TRIS		TRIS port (port=5 to 7)
MOV	!port,#lit	2	-	W	Move literal into port's TRIS	MOVLW lit; TRIS port (port=5 to 7)
MOV	!port,fr	2	Z	W	Move fr into port's TRIS	MOVF fr,0; TRIS port (port=5 to 7)
MOV	!OPTION,#lit	2	-	W	Move literal into OPTION	MOVLW lit; OPTION
MOV	!OPTION,fr	2	Z	W	Move fr into OPTION		MOVF fr,0; OPTION
CLR	!WDT		1	TO,PD	-	Clear WDT and prescaler		CLRWDT
SLEEP			1	TO,PD	-	Clear WDT and enter sleep mode	SLEEP
IREAD			1	-	-	Read instruction at M:W into M:W
NOP			1	-	-	No operation			NOP

						L A B E L S

	Label					Description

	labelname				global label
	:labelname				local label

						O P E R A T O R S

	Expression Operator			Description

	||					Absolute	Unaries
	+					(no effect)
	-					Negate
	~					Not

	&					And		Binaries
	|					Or
	^					Xor
	+					Add
	-					Subtract
	*					Multiply
	/					Divide
	//					Mod
	<< 					Shift left 
	>>					Shift right (arithmetic)
	><					Reverse bits . Bit Address 
	=< 					Below or equal Conditionals 
	=>					Above or equal
	=					Equal
	<>					Not equal
	<					Below
	>					Above

	(					Begin sub expression
	)					End sub expression

	#					Literal (default radix is decimal)
	$					Hexadecimal (#$ prefixes a hexidecimal literal)
	%					Binary (#% prefixes a binary literal)

						D I R E C T I V E S

	Directive				Description

	DEVICE	setting,setting...		Establish device settings (should precede other directives/instructions)

	ID	wordvalue			Establish device ID

	RESET	address				Assemble 'jmp address' at last location for reset

label	EQU	value				Equate label to value

	ORG	address				Set origin to address

	DS	locations			Define space: origin=origin+locations

	DW	data,data,...			Define word(s)


Pre-Defined Symbols

******** DEVICE Directive Symbols Set bits in the FUSE register

	- used to establish device parameters
	- multiple DEVICE statements allowed to accomodate parameters


PINS18				Pins						(default: PINS18)

PAGES1				E2Flash pages					(default: PAGES1)

BANKS1				RAM banks					(default: BANKS1)

OSCHS				External crystal/resonator			(default: OSCHS)
OSCXT				External crystal/resonator
OSCLP				External crystal/resonator
OSCRC				External RC
OSC4MHZ				Internal 4MHz
OSC2MHZ				Internal 2MHz
OSC1MHZ				Internal 1MHz
OSC500KHZ			Internal 500KHz
OSC250KHZ			Internal 250KHz
OSC125KHZ			Internal 125KHz
OSC62KHZ			Internal 62KHz
OSC31KHZ			Internal 31KHz

BOR40				4.0V Brownout Reset				(default: Brownout Reset is disabled)
BOR25				2.5V Brownout Reset
BOR13				1.3V Brownout Reset

TURBO				Turbo mode enabled (1:1 execution)		(default: 1:4 execution)

STACKX				Stack is extended to 8 levels			(default: Stack is 2 levels)

OPTIONX				OPTION is extended to 8 bits			(default: OPTION is 6 bits)

CARRYX				ADD/SUB uses carry flag				(default: ADD/SUB ignores carry flag)

SYNC				Input Syncing enabled				(default: Input Syncing disabled)

WATCHDOG			Watchdog Timer enabled				(default: Watchdog Timer disabled)

PROTECT				Code Protect enabled				(default: Code Protect disabled)

******** Dynamic Equates (always reflect current values)

$		=	Current origin

******** Register/Bit Equates

IND		=	$00			Indirect addressing register

RTCC		=	$01			RTCC register
WREG		=	$01			W register

PC		=	$02			Program counter low-byte register

STATUS		=	$03			Status register
C		=	STATUS.0		carry bit
DC		=	STATUS.1		Digit carry bit
Z		=	STATUS.2		Zero bit
PD		=	STATUS.3		Power-down bit
TO		=	STATUS.4		Time-out bit
PA0		=	STATUS.5		Page preselect bit 0
PA1		=	STATUS.6		Page preselect bit 1
PA2		=	STATUS.7		Page preselect bit 2

FSR		=	$04			File select register

RA		=	$05			RA i/o register
RB		=	$06			RB i/o register
RC		=	$07			RC i/o register
RD		=	$08			RD i/o register
RE		=	$09			RE i/o register
RF		=	$0A			RF i/o register
RG		=	$0B			RG i/o register

******** Backward-Compatibility Symbols for Parallax PIC16Cxx Assembler (SPASM.EXE)

		DEVICE Directive Symbols

PIC16C54					PINS18+PAGES1+BANKS1		(default: PIC16C54)

HS_OSC						OSCHS				(default: HS_OSC)

WDT_OFF						(no equivalent)			(default: WDT_OFF)

PROTECT_OFF					(no equivalent)			(default: PROTECT_OFF)

		Register Equates

INDIRECT	=	$00			Indirect addressing register
INDF		=	$00

TMR0		=	$01			RTCC register

PCL		=	$02			Program counter low-byte register

PORT_A		=	$05			RA i/o register
PORT_B		=	$06			RB i/o register
PORT_C		=	$07			RC i/o register

WKED_B (Mode=0Ah) 

There are *12* undocumented instructions!
Four new push instructions that push W onto the W, FSR, STATUS, and PC “shadow registers,” which are actually 2-level stacks; 
There appears to be a secret FIFO for saving and restoring values and a breakpoint register or two.

file: /Techref/scenix/inst/inst.htm, 20KB, , updated: 2001/9/18 12:00, local time: 2024/10/6 07:52,

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