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Scenix Lib IO Dev Stepper 3STEPPERS-JA_FILES Sxlistcontest.txt

		DEVICE	sx28l,oscxt5
		DEVICE	turbo,stackx_optionx
		RESET	start
		FREQ	50_000_000

; Variables
		org	8

Input		ds	1
delay1		ds	1
delay2		ds	1
delay3		ds	1
steps		ds	1

; Equates
cf_adjust	=	Input.6
M1CW		=	Input.0
M1CCW		=	Input.1
M2CW		=	Input.2
M2CCW		=	Input.3
M3CW		=	Input.4
M3CCW		=	Input.5
M1pin1		=	rc.0
M1pin2		=	rc.1
M2pin1		=	rc.2
M2pin2		=	rc.3
M3pin1		=	rc.4
M3pin2		=	rc.5

		org	0

;* Subroutines *

;Create an 8ms delay 
;This is an approx time, though it can be accuratly calculated.
;The delay is required becuase the stepper motors can not respond
;to the impulses at full speed due to the short instruction time.
		mov	delay3,#2
		mov	delay2,#150
		clr	delay1
		djnz	delay1,:wloop
		djnz	delay2,:wloop
		djnz	delay3,:oloop
;One big movement routine M1 M2 M3 all move one after another in any direction
;This should probably be split up into more routine but it works for now
;When the main program detects a change on the input bus the program comes
;here. What happens is this routine check the saved input information and
;then begine to determine what needs to happen as far as movement in concerned.
;Since we defined our directions as bits of the input value we can make use
;of the sb (Skip if src_bit is set). If the bit is not set,i.e. the switch is
;activated, the program then preforms the excitation sequence for the stepper.
;The way the excitation sequence goes is this: 
;for CW rotation pin1=1,(8ms),pin2=1,(8ms),pin1=0,(8ms),pin2=0,(8ms) repeat
;for CCW the sequence is reversed.
;the way that this routine is written allows for all three motors to step at
;virtually the same time.
;The combination of the CW and CCW sequence does not cause problems if both 
;switches are somehow activated both CW and CCW movement is attempted which
;in effect, cancel each other out. 

		sb	cf_adjust
		call	slow
		sb	M1CW
		setb	M1pin1
		sb	M2CW
		setb	M2pin1
		sb	M3CW
		setb	M3pin1
		sb	M1CCW
		setb	M1pin2
		sb	M2CCW
		setb	M2pin2
		sb	M3CCW
		setb	M3pin2
		call	delay
		sb	M1CW
		setb	M1pin2
		sb	M2CW
		setb	M2pin2
		sb	M3CW
		setb	M3pin2
		sb	M1CCW
		setb	M1pin1
		sb	M2CCW
		setb	M2pin1
		sb	M3CCW
		setb	M3pin1
		call 	delay
		sb	M1CW
		clrb	M1pin1
		sb	M2CW
		clrb	M2pin1
		sb	M3CW
		clrb	M3pin1
		sb	M1CCW
		clrb	M1pin2
		sb	M2CCW
		clrb	M2pin2
		sb	M3CCW
		clrb	M3pin2

		call 	delay

		sb	M1CW
		clrb	M1pin2
		sb	M2CW
		clrb	M2pin2
		sb	M3CW
		clrb	M3pin2
		sb	M1CCW
		clrb	M1pin1
		sb	M2CCW
		clrb	M2pin1
		sb	M3CCW
		clrb	M3pin1	

		call	delay
		djnz	steps,:loop

		jmp 	read

;when the cf_adjust switch is used in conjunction with a movement
;Set steps to 1, default is 5
		clr	steps
		mov	steps,#1



;* Main *

		mov	ra,#%0000
		mov	rb,#%00000000
		mov	rc,#%00000000
		MODE	$0F
		mov	!rb,#%11111111			;setup our ports rb is input rc output
		mov	!rc,#%00000000
		clr	steps				;every cycle the nuber of steps per contact is 5
		mov	steps,#5			;an important note to remeber, the inputs are high (state 1)
		mov	Input,rb			;*unless* the switches are closed/activated
		snb	cf_adjust			;if the cf button is not depressed
		call	compare				;skip the secondary compare routine
		cjb	input,#%00111111,move		;compare the input reading to this state
		jmp	read				;which corresponds to no input if there is input
							;then we go to move, this allows for other programs to run here	
		cjb	input,#%01111111,move

file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/dev/stepper/3steppers-ja_files/sxlistcontest.txt, 3KB, , updated: 2002/4/23 11:41, local time: 2024/10/18 17:42,

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  PICList 2024 contributors:
o List host: MIT, Site host, Top posters @none found
- Page Editors: James Newton, David Cary, and YOU!
* Roman Black of Black Robotics donates from sales of Linistep stepper controller kits.
* Ashley Roll of Digital Nemesis donates from sales of RCL-1 RS232 to TTL converters.
* Monthly Subscribers: Gregg Rew. on-going support is MOST appreciated!
* Contributors: Richard Seriani, Sr.

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