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Inntime by HCASI

HCASI is converting printing programs to support Electronic Forms including the mapping of print data. This means that the data normally printed by the HCASI program is "recorded" rather than printed to the printer and our electronic "e-Form" is then able to "play back" each bit of data at any location, with any font (even some barcodes) and can be bolded, increased or decreased in size, etc.... This complete solution requires that HCASI install these new programs on your system.

Contact HCASI sales at or +1(386)668-0204 and request Electronic Forms!


A few important notes to make this transition easier:

Verify that the print programs you are using have been converted to e-Forms. Inntime is a very feature-rich package with many variations of the standard reports. Make sure that the one you are using is ready for e-Forms or that you know what the cost will be to convert it. If you wish to use e-Forms with data re-positioning and font selection on a print program that is not e-Forms ready, you should pay HCASI for the conversion services.

Verify that the programs you are using have not been customized after their installation on your system. Customizations regarding the positioning of data are not normally an issue since the electronic forms will take over the positioning, font selection, etc... of the data for any laser printers. However, if you retain impact printers, the new e-Forms capable print program may need to be re-customized to retain backwards compatibility with these older printers, while simultaneously supporting e-Forms. Customizations related to the calculation of the data that fills out the form will need to be re-created in any case. HCASI should be paid for these services.

Keep in mind that since the e-Form will control both the positioning and the selection of data that is represented on the form, you will need to describe what data you want and where you want it. We have standard lists for MICR check data, Folios, City Ledger Statement, Registration, and Conformations.

Do not connect the new laser printers to the system in any way other than that approved by HCASI. HCASI approved connectivity between the system and the printers IS NECESSARY for e-Forms to function properly.

Schedule a time with your HCASI e-Forms sales representative to: A) set up communications with any new laser printers and, B) install the e-Forms versions of the requested report programs. This should be scheduled for some time after the physical installation of the new printers and the installation of the e-Forms chips. HCASI should be paid for these services.

Bank checks, such as Travel Agent checks, are available as e-Forms. These present a tremendous savings and security improvement over standard pre-printed checks since the customization of the check stock to your property and bank account is accomplished at the laser printer on standard check stock and controlled by the HCASI software. There are several points that are very important to the successful use of laser printed (e-Forms) checks:

Reliable and cost effective printing of checks directly from the HCASI system is assured if these steps are followed with reasonable care.

If, at any time, you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-888-337-2776.

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