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Name: Mr. George F Hotz
Web Site:

NTSC TV for the SX!


Introduction: I was experimenting with "writing" on a TV set. In the beginning I had no idea how it was done. I tried checking the readout with a Voltmeter. (Stupid Me)  Then I looked at PIC Video. I had one of those old Parallax PIC Programmers. On Rickard Gunée's website I found a PIC Tetris game. I built it, and surprised how well it worked, decided to try to create NTSC video on my own. First, I tried to write code on my BS2, but I didn't know how fast it had to be. Then I got an SX and an oscilloscope and wrote code for the SX. After much experimentation, I wrote this code. And I'm still experimenting.


To the Files

The Hardware

Things that might help you out

Update February 2, 2001

I have created a program to make the lines fade. It uses the schematic created by Richard Ottosen. It is posted on 
The code is on my files page. Also if I had more ram like if I interfaced it to a 1mb Simm, I probably could display bmp's. 

Update January 8, 2001

You may be able to create code with the Basic Stamp 2/2SX. I own one of each. The only question I have is how many us does the call statement take. Once I have working code I will post it. To answer give me a call or email me.

Updated December 14, 2000

All of this code is free for anyone to use as long as they put my name in it and don't use it for commercial purposes. If you want to use this code for commercial purposes, give me a call at (201) 251-8436. Also feel free to call me for help with NTSC video.

George Hotz: million75 at

Tel: (201) 251-8436

See also:

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