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Scenix Spi_ml.src

;	Revision 1.01, 07.05.98
;	Developed by Authentic Engineering for Scenix Semiconductor, Inc.
;	Authentic Engineering // //
;	This driver provides  SPI interface to realtively slow devices.
;	The data are transfered by words. Word length is software configurable 
;	from 1 to 16 bits. 
;	This driver is a part of a set of SX SPI drivers. It makes use of general
;	set of control and status data, developed for the entire family of drivers
;	The SPI clock rate is driven by the system RTCC. 
;	Minimum clock rate is limited by the RTCC prescaler setting which should be 
;	configured by the user. When the RTCC is configured to the minimum rate and
;	prescaler is set to 1:2, the SPI clock rate will be equal to 10.2 microsec.
;	With the prescaler setting at 1:256 the minimum clock rate will be 1.3056 millisec.
;	Maximum clock rate can be achived at RTCC prescaler setting 1:2 
;	and  RTCC reload register - $80. Desierable configuration of the RTCC prescaler 
;	must be determined by the user.
;	Clock (SCLK) PHASE and POLARITY are software configurable.
;	There are FOUR basic signal lines associated with the SPI protocol:
;		Master-Out-Slave-In		MOSI signal line
;		Master-In-Slave_Out		MISO signal line
;		Serial Clock			SCLK signal line
;		Slave Select			SS signal line
;	Arbitrary pins of the SX-28 can be used for current driver
;	USER program must:
;	1. Provide appropriate configuration of the SX-28 ports.
;	2. Define next parameters:
;	SPI_RAM_BANK	- to define the origin in SX  RAM banks 
;	SPI_CLOCK_RATE	- to define the clock rate. This byte is used by the driver 
;			  as the RTCC reload register value	
;	SPI_COMMAND	- command and configuration byte. This byte defines:
;			- SPI Clock polarity
;			- Mode (Master or Slave)
;			- Speed (Fast or Slow)
;			- Direction (Read/Write)
;			- Word Lenght (1 to 16).
;	Driver will set the RTCC reload value to the SPI_CLOCK_RATE. The USER
;	program must take care about restoration of the RTCC reload value, after
;	the SPI driver will complete its operation.
;	Current driver support only Master Mode and Slow Speed data transfer.
;	The driver supports 5 commands, specified by the 4 MSBs of the SPI_COMMAND byte
;			$0	RESET 
;			$2	GET WORD in MASTER mode, define FALLING edge
;			$6	GET WORD in MASTER mode, define RISING edge
;			$A	SEND WORD in MASTER mode, define FALLING edge
;			$E	SEND WORD in MASTER mode, define RISING edge
;	Generally for the SPI interface there is no diffrence between GET and SEND,
;	however it seems convinient to have different commands, because it allows to customize
;	transmit and receive cycles for specific peripherals. Such an examle is presented in Demo #1. 
;	Four LSBs of SPI_COMMAND byte are used for word length definition.
;			$1	corresponds to one bit length
;			...
;			$F	corresponds to fifteen bit legth
;			$0	corresponds to sixteen bit length
;	For example, SPI_COMMAND for 12 bit data transfer to the peripheral looks like - $EC
;	3. Driver is driven by RTCC interrupts. In order to start data transfer USER program
;	must:
;		- check that SPI_BUSY flag is cleared 
;		- enable timer interrupts
;		- perform JMP SPI_ENTRY when RTCC interrupt occures
;	See example in DEMO #1
;	The SPI_STATUS byte provides the information on driver status. It consists of a set of
;	flags, described in the comments to the code.
;	SX-28 pin assignment presented below is an example used in 'SPI DEMO #1'
;	program.
;=======================	CODE START

			device	pins28, pages4,banks8
			device	turbo, stackx, optionx 
			id	'SPI_ML'

;=======================	PIN ASSIGNMENT
;========	example of pin assignment used in DEMO #1

spi_clk_pin		=	rb.0	;SPI clock line
spi_out_pin		=	rb.1	;master_in slave_out line
spi_in_pin		=	rb.2	;master_out slave_in line 
spi_ADC_cs_pin		=	rb.4	;slave select (ADC)
spi_DAC_cs_pin		=	rb.5	;slave select (DAC)

;========================	SPI DEVICE RAM ORIGIN

			org	10h	;example of RAM bank assignment
spi_ram_bank		=	$

spi_command		ds	1

bit_wide_0		equ	spi_command.0	;the word length LSB
bit_wide_1		equ	spi_command.1	;1_st bit	
bit_wide_2		equ	spi_command.2	;2_nd bit	
bit_wide_3		equ	spi_command.3	;the word length MSB 
fast_ON			equ	spi_command.4	;set if FAST MODE
master_ON		equ	spi_command.5	;set if MASTER MODE
rising_ON		equ	spi_command.6	;set if RISING EDGE
transmit_ON		equ	spi_command.7	;set if TRANSMIT

;=======================	SPI_STATUS byte
spi_status		ds	1
spi_ready		equ	spi_status.0	;SET when driver is ready (has been initialized)

spi_busy		equ	spi_status.1	;set when data transfer is active
;spi_master		equ	spi_status.2	;SET when SPI master is inited
;spi_slave		equ	spi_status.3	;SET when SPI slave is inited 

spi_command_ERR		equ	spi_status.4	;set when command byte containes not supported command 
spi_tx_complete		equ	spi_status.5	;transmit complete
spi_rx_complete		equ	spi_status.6	;receive complete
;spi_error		equ	spi_status.7	;SET when transmit is not finished correctly

;spi_rx_complete and spi_tx_complete flags are needed when two different SS lines were inited simultaneously
;and receive and transmit are controled in the same time. Otherwise, this flag is not extended 
;(see SPI_M, SPI_S SPI drivers).

;=======================	SPI_STATE byte
spi_state		ds	1

spi_ms_ON		equ	spi_state.0	;set when Master Mode
spi_sl_ON		equ	spi_state.1	;set when Slave Mode
spi_rx_ON		equ	spi_state.2	;set when Receive Mode
spi_tx_ON		equ	spi_state.3	;set when Transmit Mode
spi_clk_state		equ	spi_state.4	;state of the SPI_CLOCK line;
;spi_timer_IRQ_ON	equ	spi_state.5	;SPI transfer under timer IRQ	:indicated by rc.0
;spi_port_IRQ_ON	equ	spi_state.6	;SPI transfer under port IRQ	:indicated by rc.2

;=======================	SPI_CLOCK byte

spi_clk_rate		ds	1		;RTCC reload value

spi_buff		ds	1		;SPI I/O shift register (MSByte)
spi_buff_low		ds	1		;SPI I/O shift register (LSByte)
spi_shift_counter	ds	1		;shift counter

spi_bits_total		ds	1		;number of bits to transfer
spi_shifts_init		ds	1		;number of initial shifts before transfer

spi_clk_counter		ds	1		;used only for DEMO #1 with LTC1594 
spi_clks_init		ds	1		;used only for DEMO #1 with LTC1594

;=======================	INTERRUPT START

spi_entry	bank	spi_ram_bank		;SPI driver entry point
		jb	master_ON,master_entry	

		snb	rising_ON
		setb	spi_command_ERR		;return from interrupt if wrong command
		snb	transmit_ON
		setb	spi_command_ERR		
		clr	spi_command
		setb	spi_ready

		mov	w,spi_clk_rate		

;=======================	SPI MASTER ENTRY

master_entry		test	spi_shift_counter	;test if this is first entry
			jnz	:master_start		

:init_master		jb	spi_ms_ON,:ms_rx_finish	;initialization of the driver (on the first entry)
			setb	spi_busy_ON
			setb	spi_ms_ON			
			sb	transmit_ON
			setb	spi_rx_ON
			snb	transmit_ON
			setb	spi_tx_ON
			snb	spi_rx_ON
			clrb	spi_ADC_cs_pin		;this is an example to show how
							;generate CS signals for a specific 
							;peripherals. This is CS for ADC
			snb	spi_tx_ON
			clrb	spi_DAC_cs_pin		;CS for DAC

			sb	rising_ON		;set the SPI_CLK polarity
			clrb	clk_state
			snb	rising_ON
			setb	clk_state
			sb	rising_ON
			clrb	spi_clk_pin
			snb	rising_ON
			setb	spi_clk_pin

			mov	w,spi_command		;set the number of bits to transfer
			and	w,#%00001111
			mov	spi_bits_total,w
			mov	w,spi_command
			or	w,#%11110000
			mov	spi_shifts_init,w
			not	spi_shifts_init
			inc	spi_shifts_init
			mov	spi_shift_counter,spi_bits_total
			rl	spi_shift_counter

			mov	spi_clk_counter,spi_clks_init	;Example for LTC1594 ADC only
			clc					;LTC1594 input MX control	
			rl	spi_clk_counter			;end of LTC1594 part

:set_bit_position	test	spi_shifts_init		;initial shift before transfer
			clc				;needed to put MSB of the word to
			sz				;bit.7 SPI_BUFF position
			rl	spi_buff_low
			rl	spi_buff
			djnz	spi_shifts_init,:set_bit_position

			jmp	:master_exit		;initialization done, first interrupt exit

;===============================================	Example of the LTC1594 driver
:master_start		nop
			test	spi_clk_counter		;Example for LTC1594 ADC only
			jz	:master_rx		;Jump to normal master receive
			xor	rb,#%00000001		;LTC1594 input MX control
			dec	spi_clk_counter		;sclk ADC UP/DOWN

			jmp	:master_exit		;interrupt exit for the ADC MX control

;===============================================	End of ltc1594 example

:master_rx		jb	clk_state,:master_tx	;bit reception from SPI_IN_PIN
			movb	c,spi_in_pin
			rl	spi_buff_low
			rl	spi_buff
			setb	spi_clk_pin	
			dec	spi_shift_counter
			setb	clk_state	
			jmp	:master_exit		;bit received

:master_tx		movb	spi_out_pin,spi_buff.7	;bit transmit
			clrb	spi_clk_pin
			dec	spi_shift_counter
			clrb	clk_state	
			jmp	:master_exit		;bit transmitted

:ms_rx_finish		sb	spi_rx_ON		;reception completed
			jmp	:ms_tx_finish		
			setb	spi_rx_complete		;correct reception finished
			setb	spi_ADC_cs_pin		;disable ADC CS 
			clrb	spi_rx_ON
			jmp	:master_finish

:ms_tx_finish		setb	spi_DAC_cs_pin		;disable DAC CS
			clrb	spi_tx_ON		;transmission completed
			setb	spi_tx_complete
			jmp	:master_finish

:master_finish		clrb	spi_ms_ON
			clr	spi_command
			clrb	spi_busy_ON

:master_exit		mov	w,spi_clk_rate

;=======================	END OF MASTER MODE SLOW SPI DRIVER

file: /Techref/scenix/spi_ml.src, 9KB, , updated: 1999/2/20 13:23, local time: 2024/10/6 03:10,

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