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Int 21/AX=5F44h

LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetWkstaGetInfo

AX = 5F44h
BX = information level (00h, 01h, or 0Ah)
CX = buffer size
DX = 0000h
ES:DI -> buffer in which to store info (see #01714,#01715,#01716),
including any returned strings
AX = error code DX = amount of buffer required, unchanged if supplied buffer large enough to hold data

See Also: AX=5F45h - AX=5F49h

Format of LAN Manager wksta_info_0 structure:

Offset  Size    Description     (Table 01714)
00h    WORD     reserved (0)
02h    DWORD    reserved (0)
06h    DWORD    -> path to computer's LANMAN directory
0Ah    DWORD    -> computername of the workstation
0Eh    DWORD    -> username of user logged onto workstation
12h    DWORD    -> domain to which workstation belongs
16h    WORD     LAN Manager version number (2 bytes, Major, Minor)
18h    DWORD    reserved (0)
1Ch    WORD     number of seconds workstation waits for resource availability
1Eh    DWORD    delay (in millsecs) before sending data to resource
22h    WORD     reserved (0)
24h    WORD     reserved (0)
26h    WORD     ???
28h    WORD     number of seconds to maintain an inactive connection
2Ah    WORD     number of seconds an inactive search continues
2Ch    WORD     threads to dedicate to network (not supported in MSDOS)
2Eh    WORD     number of simultaneous commands sent to network
30h    WORD     reserved6 (must be 0)
32h    WORD     number of internal buffers
34h    WORD     size (in bytes) of each internal buffer
36h    WORD     max size (in bytes) of an internal cache buffer (not MSDOS)
38h    WORD     seconds before disconnecting inactive session (not MSDOS)
3Ah    WORD     size (in bytes) of an internal error buffer (not MSDOS)
3Ch    WORD     number of clients that can receive alert messages (not MSDOS)
3Eh    WORD     number of services that can be started on workstation
40h    WORD     max size (in kilobytes) of error log (not MSDOS)
42h    WORD     number of secs before closing inactive print jobs (not MSDOS)
44h    WORD     number of character buffers for workstation
46h    WORD     max size (in bytes) of character buffer
48h    DWORD    -> name of server that validated logon
4Ch    DWORD    -> workstation heuristics
50h    WORD     number of mailslots allowed

Note: Pointers to strings are set to 0000h:0000h if there is insufficient space in the buffer to hold them

See Also: #01715 - #01716

Format of LAN Manager wksta_info_1 structure:

Offset  Size    Description     (Table 01715)
00h 82 BYTEs   wksta_info_0 structure (see #01714)
52h    DWORD    -> name of domain which user is logged on to
56h    DWORD    -> all domains in which computer is enlisted
5Ah    WORD     number of buffers to allocate for receiving datagrams

See Also: #01716

Format of LAN Manager wksta_info_10 structure:

Offset  Size    Description     (Table 01716)
00h    DWORD    -> computername of the workstation
04h    DWORD    -> username of user logged onto workstation
08h    DWORD    -> domain to which workstation belongs
0Ch    WORD     LAN Manager version number (2 bytes, Major, Minor)
0Eh    DWORD    -> name of domain which user is loggod on to
12h    DWORD    -> all domains in which computer is enlisted

Note: Pointers to strings are set to 0000h:0000h if there is insufficient space in the buffer to hold them

See Also: #01714 - #01715

11AE:0100 B45F          MOV     AH,5F
11AE:0102 B044          MOV     AL,44
11AE:0104 BB0A00        MOV     BX,000A
11AE:0107 B9FF00        MOV     CX,00FF
11AE:010A BA0000        MOV     DX,0000
11AE:010D BF0002        MOV     DI,0200
11AE:0110 CD21          INT     21
11AE:0112 C3            RET
11AE:0113 8B36D7E2      MOV     SI,[E2D7]
11AE:0117 56            PUSH    SI
11AE:0118 33ED          XOR     BP,BP
11AE:011A AC            LODSB
11AE:011B 0A34          OR      DH,[SI]
11AE:011D 009D11EB      ADD     [DI+EB11],BL
IP 0112

AX=5F44  BX=000A  CX=00FF  DX=0000  SP=FFEE  BP=0000  SI=0000  DI=0200
DS=11AE  ES=11AE  SS=11AE  CS=11AE  IP=0112   NV UP EI PL NZ NA PO NC
11AE:0112 C3            RET
11AE:0200  EF 02 AE 11 E8 02 AE 11-E1 02 AE 11 04 00 DA 02   ................
11AE:0210  AE 11 D9 02 AE 11 EB 00-EA 02 AE 11 49 3A 00 81   ............I:..
11AE:0220  3C 5C 5C 74 02 00 DD 02-AE 11 4B 3A 00 F2 AE F7   <\\t......K:....
11AE:0230  D1 B0 5C 00 D0 02 AE 11-4C 50 54 32 00 F2 AE 4F   ..\.....LPT2...O
11AE:0240  32 00 BD 02 AE 11 4C 50-54 33 00 A0 71 33 C9 00   2.....LPT3..q3..
11AE:0250  AA 02 AE 11 4C 50 54 34-00 96 2E C7 06 00 96 02   ....LPT4........
11AE:0260  AE 11 4C 50 54 35 00 47-2E C7 06 00 88 02 AE 11   ..LPT5.G........
11AE:0270  4C 50 54 36 00 43 32 C0-5B 00 00 00 00 00 71 2E   LPT6.C2.[.....q.
11AE:0280  80 3E DB E2 00 75 06 E8-5C 5C 53 43 38 32 32 31   .>...u..\\SC8221
11AE:0290  38 34 5C 50 32 00 5C 5C-50 52 4E 2D 46 41 52 4D   84\P2.\\PRN-FARM
11AE:02A0  2D 52 49 47 48 54 5C 50-33 00 5C 5C 50 52 4E 2D   -RIGHT\P3.\\PRN-
11AE:02B0  46 41 52 4D 2D 4C 45 46-54 5C 50 32 00 5C 5C 50   FARM-LEFT\P2.\\P
11AE:02C0  52 4E 2D 46 41 52 4D 2D-4C 45 46 54 5C 50 33 00   RN-FARM-LEFT\P3.
11AE:02D0  5C 5C 4E 54 5C 53 32 31-44 00 45 46 50 4C 55 53   \\NT\S21D.EFPLUS
11AE:02E0  00 45 46 50 4C 55 53 00-4A 41 4D 45 53 4E 00 47   .EFPLUS.JAMESN.G
11AE:02F0  41 54 45 57 41 59 2D 50-32 2D 34 35 30 41 00 B4   ATEWAY-P2-450A..

file: /Techref/INT/21f/5Fsf/44.htm, 5KB, , updated: 2004/5/28 16:16, local time: 2024/10/6 02:18,

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