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Sources Choir Rehearsal Notes


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOVEMBER 12, 2011 REHEARSAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Ø      There will be NO “Sources” Choir rehearsal in December.  Choir rehearsal #3 will take place on Saturday, January 7, 2012 @ 1:00-4:00 PM at UU Fellowship of San Dieguito located at 1036 Solana Drive; Solana Beach, CA 92075.

Ø      Practice files are now available for Movements #1, #2, and #3.  You can find practice files as well as the rehearsal schedule and other important information at our website which is:
Practice files for subsequent movements are forthcoming.

Ø      If you are interested in audioning for the spoken narration in the 6th movement (“The Sacred Circle”) please see the information sheet which can be found on the website and was also handed out at the November 12th rehearsal.  Auditions will be held in January or February 2012.

Ø      We are looking for youth and/or young adults to audition for the 7th movement rap (“The Promise”).  The text of the “Sources” rap can also be found on the website and was also handed out at the November 12th rehearsal.  Auditions will be held in January or February 2012.



#1 – In the Beginning

Ø      Memorize bars 1-11 (it will be dark, and you won’t be able to see your music)

Ø      The word “wonder” should be pronounced like “wonduh” throughout

Ø      There are no group breaths in bars 8-11 (please stagger breathe)

Ø      In bars 8 and 9, accent each “death” with gravitas

Ø      Bars 82 & 83 – Second sopranos add the B-flat and A to match measures 42 and 43. 

Ø      In bars 97/98 and 142 put a hard “t” on “spirit”

Ø      From m. 144-156 altos and basses stagger breathe

Ø      Bar 165 – dotted half is now a half note with a half rest

Ø      Bar 167 – the cut-off is a strong (but not voiced) “f” which occurs at the same time as the third accent in the accompaniment


#2 – Transformation

Ø      To learn this movement it helps to think of it in 4/4

Ø      Bar 76 – No breath!  Stagger breathe m. 73-79








(notes from November 12, 2011 rehearsal continued)

#4 – On Wings of Praise

Ø      To create a full gospel choral sound for this movement, everyone sing as if you are a soloists, with a deep, rich, chesty sound.

Ø      Bars 40-41 (rehearsal letter C) – on the word “Justice”, accent “Ju” and a light staccato on “stice”

Ø      In bars 71 and 105, take a quick breath (lift) after the first beat

Ø      In measure 112 and in measures 139 through beat 1 of measure 153, sopranos split.


#5 – No Other World

Ø      The breath mark at the beginning of m. 80 is actually at the end of m. 79.

Ø      Measures 100, 144, and 158-160 will be conducted in 4.  The rest of the movement will be conducted in 2.

Ø      At the bottom of page 38, a staff for the solo is added, so all other parts shift down a staff.

Ø      For the last 3 measures, 2nd sopranos sing the alto line and 2nd altos sing the tenor line

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