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Microchip Fft Picspect.asm

; PROJECT     : <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">pic</B>'<B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">spectrum</B>
; FILE        : <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">pic</B>SPECT.ASM
; VERSION     : 1.0
; <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">pic</B>'SCOPE digital audio <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">spectrum</B> analyser - Main source file
; This project is a complete audio <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">spectrum</B> analyser with output on a
; standard VGA display, done entirely with a <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">pic</B>17C756 microcontroler.
; The controler is in charge of :
; - ADC acquisition of the incoming signal
; - Fast Fourier Transform of the signal
; - Power calculation and if required logarithmic scaling
; - Video generation entirely in software
; of course in real time.
; Developped on MICROCHIP's MPLAB 3.31.0
; To be embedded in a <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">pic</B>17C756 (32MHz crystal)
;                Developped & Copyrighted by Robert LACOSTE

; System definitions

		PROCESSOR  17C756	; Assembler directives
		ERRORLEVEL -302		; no bank control warnings

		TITLE 	   "<B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">pic</B>'<B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">spectrum</B>"
		SUBTITLE   "(C) Robert Lacoste"
#include	"P17C756.INC"		; Processor dependant declarations

		; config register :
		; XT osc, no watchdog, brown-out reset active, microcontroler

; Application constants

MAXPIXVAL	equ D'127'		; maximum scaled pixel value

INITTIM		equ H'FFFF'-D'254'+D'13'+D'5'; timer load value,
					; 254 because 31.77µS=254*4/32MHz
					; minus 13 for irq to reload delay
					; minus 5 for timer to irq delay

BKG_COLOR	equ B'00000100'		; background=Blue
SLINE_COLOR	equ B'00000011'		; separation lines=Yellow
SHORTS_COLOR	equ B'00000011'		; small scale indicator=Yellow
LONGS_COLOR	equ B'00000011'		; long scale indicator=Yellow
FREQ_COLOR	equ B'00000001'		; Frequency bars=Red
BKGTITLE_COLOR	equ B'00000010'		; Background title=Green
TITLE_COLOR	equ B'00000000'		; Title=Black
HOLD_COLOR	equ B'00000001'		; Hold=Red

; Vectors

reset_vector	org H'0000'
		goto start		; Initialisation

intpin_vector	org H'0008'
		goto start		; should not occur

timer0_vector	org H'0010'
		goto it_timer		; horizontal sync interrupt

t0cki_vector	org H'0018'
		goto start		; should not occur

periph_vector	org H'0020'
		goto start		; should not occur
start_appl	org H'0050'		; start of application area

; Inclusion of extern application files

#include 	""		; Variables declarations
#include	""		; Fixed point arithmetic
#include	""		; Test signals generation
#include	""		; FFT calculation routines
#include	""		; power calculation & display access
#include	""		; interrupt routine & video generation

; Main starting point

start		nop
		BANKSEL zone_main

;-- Initialisation

		call initialize		; initialization of ports & variables
		call realfft		; do the first FFT (on the test signal)
		call init_timer		; launch timer0 interrupts
mainloop	nop

;-- Power <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">spectrum</B> calculation & scaling

		movlb 0			; if RB7=0 (mode log),
		btfsc PORTB,7
		goto spectlin
spectlog	call powerlog		; calculate <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">spectrum</B> in log scale
		goto main1
spectlin	call powerlin		; else calculate <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">spectrum</B> in lin scale

main1		nop

;-- Analog acquisition

		movlb 0			; if RB6=1 (non hold mode),
		btfss PORTB,6		; do analog sample acquisition :
		goto main2
		movlb 1			; RD1=1 (debug line : ADC going on)
		bsf PORTD,1
		BANKSEL num_sample	; sample number=0
		clrf num_sample,F
		call init_adc		; initialize analog acquisition
		BANKSEL acq_request
		movlw 1			; put acqrequest flag to 1
		movwf acq_request

		clrf WREG,F		; and wait for it to be 0
acqwait		cpfseq acq_request
		goto acqwait

		movlb 1			; RD1=0 (debug line : ADC going on)
		bcf PORTD,1

;-- Do the FFT

		movlb 1			; RD0=1 (debug line : FFT going on)
		bsf PORTD,0

		BANKSEL zone_main
		call realfft		; do the FFT

		movlb 1			; RD0=0 (debug line : FFT going on)
		bcf PORTD,0

;-- And loop !
main2		goto mainloop

; Ports & variables initialization

initialize	nop

;-- Variables initialization

		BANKSEL acq_request	; reset adc control registers
		clrf acq_request,F
		clrf num_sample,F

		BANKSEL scan_line	; reset scan line number
		clrf scan_line,F	; (will be incremented to 1 at the
		clrf scan_line+1,F	; first interrupt)

		BANKSEL displ0		; reset displ0 buffer
		movlw low displ0
		movwf FSR0
		bcf ALUSTA,FS1		; auto increment mode
		bsf ALUSTA,FS0
		bcf ALUSTA,C
		movlw low displ0+D'64'
rstdispl0	clrf INDF0,F
		cpfseq FSR0
		goto rstdispl0

		BANKSEL displ1		; reset displ1 buffer
		movlw low displ1
		movwf FSR0
		bcf ALUSTA,FS1		; auto increment mode
		bsf ALUSTA,FS0
		bcf ALUSTA,C
		movlw low displ0+D'64'
rstdispl1	clrf INDF0,F
		cpfseq FSR0
		goto rstdispl1

		bsf ALUSTA,FS1		; return to non-increment mode

		BANKSEL zone_main
		m_ldaconst H'2000'	; generate test square signal
		movlw D'16'
		call test_square

;-- Ports initialization

		movlw B'11111000'	; RB0 to RB2 are outputs
		movlb 0
		movwf DDRB
		clrf PORTB,F		; initialized to 0

		movlw B'10101111'	; RC4 and RC6 are outputs
		movlb 1
		movwf DDRC
		bcf PORTC,4		; RC4=0 (Hsync)
		bsf PORTC,6		; RC6=1 (Vsync)

		movlw B'11111000'	; RD0 to RD2 are outputs
		movlb 1
		movwf DDRD
		clrf PORTD,F		; initialized to 0

		movlw B'01111111'	; RG7 is output
		movlb 5
		movwf DDRG
		clrf PORTG,F		; initialized to 0


; Initialization of timer0
; Generate an interrupt every 31.77 micro-second (horizontal refresh
; rate for VGA display in 640x350 mode = 31.476KHz)
; Warning : interrupts will start immediatly after calling this routine

init_timer	nop

		bsf CPUSTA,GLINTD	; disable global interrupts

		bsf T0STA,T0CS		; select internal clock
		bcf T0STA,T0PS3		; and prescale factor 1:1
		bcf T0STA,T0PS2
		bcf T0STA,T0PS1
		bcf T0STA,T0PS0

		BANKSEL tmpcpt
		movlw high INITTIM	; load timer
		movwf tmpcpt
		movlw low INITTIM
		movwf TMR0L
		movfp tmpcpt,TMR0H
		bcf INTSTA,PEIE		; disable PEI interrupts
		bcf INTSTA,T0CKIE	; disable external interrupts on RA1
		bcf INTSTA,INTE		; disable external interrupts on RA0

		bsf INTSTA,T0IE		; enable timer0 interrupts

		bcf CPUSTA,GLINTD	; enable global interrupts


; Configuration of analog acquisition port
; Connect the analog source and configure the A/D sub-system. Acquisition
; will be done by the interrupt routine synchronously with video generation. 

init_adc	movlb 5
		movlw B'10000000'	; clock=F/64 (2µS conversion),
		movwf ADCON1		; left justified, ref 0/5V

		movlw B'10000000'	; select chanel AD8
		movwf ADCON0

		bsf ADCON0,ADON		; switch on ADC sub-system



;                             - END OF FILE -

file: /Techref/microchip/fft/picspect.asm, 8KB, , updated: 1998/1/10 12:32, local time: 2024/9/27 16:23,

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  PICList 2024 contributors:
o List host: MIT, Site host, Top posters @none found
- Page Editors: James Newton, David Cary, and YOU!
* Roman Black of Black Robotics donates from sales of Linistep stepper controller kits.
* Ashley Roll of Digital Nemesis donates from sales of RCL-1 RS232 to TTL converters.
* Monthly Subscribers: Gregg Rew. on-going support is MOST appreciated!
* Contributors: Richard Seriani, Sr.

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