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/* Program : COMMDEFS.H */
/* Function : Common macros and defines for PIC app’s not defined in pic.h */
/* Author : John F. Fitter B.E. */
/* */
/* Copyright © 1997 Eagle Air Australia Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved */

#ifndef _COMMDEFS_H
#define _COMMDEFS_H

#include <pic.h>

// General PIC macros (additional to pic.h)
#define clrwdt() CLRWDT()

// Macro to define the ID bytes
#define __ID(a,b,c,d) asm("\tpsect absdata, abs ovrld, delta=2"); \
		asm("\tglobal id_bytes"); \
		asm("\torg 0x2000"); \
		asm("id_bytes"); \
		asm("\tdb "___mkstr(a)); \
		asm("\tdb "___mkstr(b)); \
		asm("\tdb "___mkstr(c)); \
		asm("\tdb "___mkstr(d))
// General macros
#define HIBYTE(intValue) ((intValue)>>8)
#define LOBYTE(intValue) ((intValue)&0xff)
#define HINIBBLE(charValue) ((charValue)>>4)
#define LONIBBLE(charValue) ((charValue)&0xf)

// Common bit defines
#define B_IN 1
#define B_OUT 0
#define B_HIGH 1
#define B_LOW 0

// Common byte defines
#define W_IN 0xff
#define W_OUT 0
#define W_HIGH 0xff
#define W_LOW 0

// Common peripheral control defines
#define P_ON 1
#define P_OFF 0

// Common user interface defines
#define I_UP 1
#define I_DOWN 0

// Logical defines
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define true TRUE
#define false FALSE

// Hardware pullup defines
#define port_b_pullups(flag) RBPU=flag==0

// ASCII control character defines (useful for comms)
#define A_NUL 0
#define A_SOH 1
#define A_STX 2
#define A_ETX 3
#define A_EOT 4
#define A_ENQ 5
#define A_ACK 6
#define A_BEL 7
#define A_BS 8
#define A_HT 9
#define A_LF 0xa
#define A_VT 0xb
#define A_FF 0xc
#define A_CR 0xd
#define A_SO 0xe
#define A_SI 0xf
#define A_DLE 0x10
#define A_DC1 0x11
#define A_DC2 0x12
#define A_DC3 0x13
#define A_DC4 0x14
#define A_NAK 0x15
#define A_SYN 0x16
#define A_ETB 0x17
#define A_CAN 0x18
#define A_EM 0x19
#define A_SUB 0x1a
#define A_ESC 0x1b
#define A_FS 0x1c
#define A_GS 0x1d
#define A_RS 0x1e
#define A_US 0x1f

// Timer 0 defines
#define RTCC_INTERNAL 0 // rtcc_state values (OR together)
#define RTCC_EXT_L_TO_H 0x20
#define RTCC_EXT_H_TO_L 0x30

#define RTCC_DIV_2 0 // ps_state values (OR together)
#define RTCC_DIV_4 1
#define RTCC_DIV_8 2
#define RTCC_DIV_16 3
#define RTCC_DIV_32 4
#define RTCC_DIV_64 5
#define RTCC_DIV_128 6
#define RTCC_DIV_256 7
#define WDT_18MS 8
#define WDT_36MS 9
#define WDT_72MS 0xa
#define WDT_144MS 0xb
#define WDT_288MS 0xc
#define WDT_576MS 0xd
#define WDT_1152MS 0xe
#define WDT_2304MS 0xf

#define setup_counters(rtcc_state,ps_state) OPTION=(OPTION&0xc0)|rtcc_state|ps_state
#define get_rtcc() TMR0
#define set_rtcc(tvalue) TMR0=tvalue
#define get_timer0() get_rtcc()
#define set_timer0(tvalue) set_rtcc(tvalue)

// Timer 1 defines
#define T1_ENABLED 1 // timer 1 modes (OR together)
#define T1_INTERNAL 1
#define T1_EXTERNAL 7
#define T1_EXTERNAL_SYNC 3
#define T1_CLK_OUT 8
#define T1_DIV_BY_1 0
#define T1_DIV_BY_2 0x10
#define T1_DIV_BY_4 0x20
#define T1_DIV_BY_8 0x30

static unsigned int TMR1 @ 0x0E;
static unsigned int CCPR1 @ 0x15;
static unsigned int CCPR2 @ 0x1B;

#define setup_timer_1(mode) T1CON=mode
#define enable_timer_1(state) TMR1ON=state
#define get_timer1() TMR1
#define set_timer1(tvalue) TMR1=tvalue

// Timer 2 defines
#define T2_DISABLED 0 // timer 2 modes (OR together)
#define T2_DIV_BY_1 4 // T2_DISABLED must be on its own
#define T2_DIV_BY_4 5 // postscale is 1 to 16
#define T2_DIV_BY_16 7
#define setup_timer_2(mode,postscale) T2CON=mode|((postscale-1)<<3)
#define get_timer2() TMR2
#define set_timer2(tvalue) TMR2=tvalue

// CCP defines

static volatile bit CCP1 @ (unsigned)&PORTC*8+2;  // CCP1 port pin
static volatile bit CCP2 @ (unsigned)&PORTC*8+1;  // CCP2 port pin

#define CCP_OFF 0
#define CCP_CAPTURE_FE 4
#define CCP_CAPTURE_RE 5
#define CCP_CAPTURE_DIV_4 6
#define CCP_CAPTURE_DIV_16 7
#define CCP_COMPARE_INT 0xa
#define CCP_PWM 0xc
#define CCP_PWM_PLUS_1 0x1c
#define CCP_PWM_PLUS_2 0x2c
#define CCP_PWM_PLUS_3 0x3c

#define setup_ccp1(mode) CCP1CON=mode
#define setup_ccp2(mode) CCP2CON=mode
#define set_ccp1(cvalue) CCPR1=cvalue
#define set_ccp2(cvalue) CCPR2=cvalue
#define get_ccp1() CCPR1
#define get_ccp2() CCPR2

// Interrupt defines
#define GLOBAL 0x80
//#define ADC_DONE
#define RTCC_ZERO 0x20
#define RB_CHANGE 0x08
#define EXT_INT 0x10
#define INT_TIMER1 0x0100
#define INT_TIMER2 0x0200
#define INT_CCP1 0x0400
#define INT_CCP2 0x10000
#define INT_SSP 0x0800
#define INT_PSP 0x8000
#define INT_RDA 0x2000
#define INT_TBE 0x1000

#define enable_peripheral_interrupts() PEIE=1
#define enable_global_interrupts() GIE=1
#define enable_interrupts(level) \
		INTCON|=(level)&0xff; \
		PIE1|=((level)>>8)&0xff; \
#define enable_rtcc_interrupt() T0IE=1

#define disable_peripheral_interrupts() PEIE=0
#define disable_global_interrupts() do GIE=0;while(GIE)
#define disable_interrupts(level) \
		INTCON&=~((level)&0xff); \
		PIE1&=~(((level)>>8)&0xff); \
#define disable_rtcc_interrupt() T0IE=0

// USART defines
#define SER_MASTER 0x80
#define SER_9BIT 0x40
#define SER_TX_ENABLE 0x20
#define SER_SYNCHRONOUS 0x10
#define SER_HIGH_BAUD 4
#define SER_TSR_EMPTY 2
#define SER_ENABLE 0x80
#define SER_RX_SGL 0x20
#define SER_RX_CON 0x10

#define kbhit() RCIF

#define set_lo_baud(baud) SPBRG=(unsigned char)((2*(long)_CLOCK_/64+(long)baud)/2/\
		(long)baud-1);TXSTA &= ~SER_HIGH_BAUD
#define set_hi_baud(baud) SPBRG=(unsigned char)((2*(long)_CLOCK_/16+(long)baud)/2/\
		(long)baud-1);TXSTA |= SER_HIGH_BAUD
#define setup_usart_async8_lo(baud) \
		TRISC |= 0xc0;\
#define setup_usart_async9_lo(baud) \
		TRISC |= 0xc0;\

#define setup_usart_async8_hi(baud) \
		TRISC |= 0xc0;\

#define setup_usart_async9_hi(baud) \
		TRISC |= 0xc0;\

static volatile bit txd @ (unsigned)&PORTC*8+6;  // USART serial data out pin
static volatile bit rxd @ (unsigned)&PORTC*8+7;  // USART serial data in pin

// SPI defines
#define SPI_MASTER 0x20
#define SPI_SLAVE 0x24
#define SPI_SS_DISABLED 0x25
#define SPI_L_TO_H 0
#define SPI_H_TO_L 0x10
#define SPI_CLK_DIV_4 0
#define SPI_CLK_DIV_16 1
#define SPI_CLK_DIV_64 2
#define SPI_CLK_T2 3
#define spi_enable(en) SSPEN=!!en // enables the spi
#define spi_data_is_in() BF // tests the buffer full bit

static volatile bit sdo @ (unsigned)&PORTC*8+5;  // serial data out pin
static volatile bit sdo_dir @ (unsigned)&TRISC*8+5;  // serial data out direction bit
static volatile bit sdi @ (unsigned)&PORTC*8+4;  // serial data in pin
static volatile bit sdi_dir @ (unsigned)&TRISC*8+4;  // serial data in direction bit
static volatile bit sck @ (unsigned)&PORTC*8+3;  // serial clock pin
static volatile bit sck_dir @ (unsigned)&TRISC*8+3;  // serial clock direction bit
static volatile bit ss_dir @ (unsigned)&TRISA*8+5;  // synchronous slave mode enable bit
static volatile bit BF @ (unsigned)&SSPSTAT*8+0;  // spi buffer full bit

#endif // COMMDEFS_H

file: /Techref/microchip/language/C/comdefs_h.htm, 7KB, , updated: 2001/2/2 17:21, local time: 2024/9/18 00:17,

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