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The NETCONNECTINFOSTRUCT structure contains information about the expected performance of a connection used to access a network resource. In the dwSpeed, dwDelay or dwOptDataSize members, a value of zero means that no information is available. In the dwSpeed or dwDelay member, a value of one means that the actual value is greater than can be represented in the unit.


    DWORD cbStructure;

    DWORD dwFlags;

    DWORD dwSpeed;	

    DWORD dwDelay;

    DWORD dwOptDataSize;




The size, in bytes, of the NETCONNECTINFOSTRUCT structure. This value is supplied by the caller to indicate the size of the structure.
A bit mask. This member can be one or more of the following flags.




If this flag is set, information is being returned for the performance of the network card, in the absence of information about the actual connection. If this flag is not set, information is being returned for the current connection with the resource, with any routing degradation taken into consideration.


If set, the connection is not being routed. If the flag is not set, the connection may be going through routers that limit performance. Consequently, if WNCON_FORNETCARD is set, actual performance may be much less than the information returned.


If the flag is set, the connection is over a medium that is typically slow (for example, over a modem using a normal quality phone line).


If the flag is set, some of the information being returned is dynamically recalculated, so reissuing this request may return different or more current information.

The speed of the media to the network resource in units of 100 bits per second (bps) For example, a 1200 baud point-to-point link returns 12.
The one-way delay introduced by the network when sending information (that is, the time between when data starts being sent and the time that it starts being received), in milliseconds. This delay is additional to any latency that was incorporated into the calculation of dwSpeed, so the value returned will be zero for accessing most resources.
A recommendation for the size of data, in bytes, that is most efficiently sent through the network when an application makes a single request to the network resource. For example, for a disk network resource, this value might be 2048 or 512 when writing a block of data

See Also

MultinetGetConnectionPerformance, NetUserAdd

file: /Techref/os/win/api/win32/struc/src/str12_10.htm, 4KB, , updated: 2000/4/7 12:20, local time: 2024/9/2 23:14,

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