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SMD: Surface Mount Device Soldering

SMDs are mounted using: reflow soldering, wave soldering and hand soldering.


Toaster ovens or hardware store hot air guns for smt reflow. Reflow soldering on a skillet. Solder paste can be manually applied and components placed and re-flowed in a toaster oven


Use electric skillets for dip (wave) soldering and tin/lead plateing. The basic problem with home plating is that a roundness forms that causes the leads to slip off the pads. You can use wick to remove the the rounded tops. "Mopping" the solder over the board with an iron can result in uneven solder hight which can prevent all the chip leads from contacting the pads. Again, solder wick can remove "bumps"

One problem is that the package picks up moisture and turns to steam if heated rapidly as in wave soldering. This can cause delamination of the plastic from the die or leadframe^. I've observed the problem appearing as blown output pins. Smaller packages are rarely a problem. Typically you can pre-bake the chip for 12-24 hours at low enough temperatures to prevent rapid generation of steam (Altera suggests 12hrs at 260F). MELTING METALS IN A DOMESTIC MICROWAVE

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