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SX Virtual Peripheral Time Clock


This application note presents programming techniques for implementing a real time clock that keeps a 16-bit milliseconds count, and has the option for full time clock capabilities, including seconds, minutes, hours, and days. The routine takes advantage of the SX's internal interrupt feature to allow background operation of the clock as a virtual peripheral.

How the code works

This firmware module requires no external circuitry (other than an oscillator crystal) and is quite straight forward. There are three options for code assembly, controlled by the clock_type parameter. If clock_type=0, the clock only counts milliseconds. A value of clock_type=1 adds seconds, minutes and hours, and a value of clock_type=2 allows the days to be counted as well.

The timing constant for each millisecond ‘tick’ is determined as follows:

msec tick timing = osc. freq. / (1000 msec/sec * prescaler * mode) where mode=1 (turbo) or =4 (normal)

So, for a crystal frequency of 50 MHz, in turbo mode, with a prescaler of 1, the msec tick timing constant is:

msec tick timing = 50 x 106 / (1000 * 1 * 1) = 50 x 103

By comparing the number of elapsed instructions with the millisecond tick timing, the code decides when one millisecond has passed and increments the msc_lo and msec_hi counters accordingly. In the same way, if selected, the code checks the corresponding count and ticks off each second, minute, hour, day, etc.

The time clock’s accuracy is dependent upon the accuracy of the oscillator used, which for crystals is usually extremely good. For oscillators, especially slower ones, that do not have a frequency in kHz that is divisible by an integer, the accuracy starts being affected by the msec count timing algorithm, and it should be adjusted or left out accordingly1.

Modifications and further options

Ideally the circuit and program will provide a method for the user to enter the time and date, etc., otherwise it is a relative time count in reference to the last time the circuit was turned on or reset.

If the need for processor power between timed events is minimal, the routine could be modified and set up in conjunction with the watchdog timer instead of the internal RTCC interrupt where the SX is put in sleep mode between watchdog time-outs. This allows for a tremendous savings in power consumption.

With some additional programming, day-of-the-week, month, and even year counts could be added, the month count being somewhat more involved, for obvious reasons.

;       Software Time Clock
;       Length: 28/50/56 bytes (depending upon clock type, +1 for bank select)
;       Author: Craig Webb
;       Written: 98/8/17
;	This program implements a software time clock virtual peripheral
;	that keeps a 16 bit count of elapsed time in milliseconds.
;	The option is available to include seconds, minutes, hours and even
;	days to this clock if desired.
;	The code takes advantage of the SX's internal RTCC-driven interrupt
;	to operate in the background while the main program loop is executing.
;****** Assembler directives
; uses: SX28AC, 2 pages of program memory, 8 banks of RAM, high speed osc.
;       operating in turbo mode, with 8-level stack & extended option reg.
		DEVICE  pins28,pages2,banks8,oschs
		DEVICE  turbo,stackx,optionx
		ID      'TimeClck'			;program ID label
		RESET   reset_entry			;set reset/boot address
;******************************* Program Variables ***************************
;****** Program Parameters
;clock_type	=	0			;16 bit msec count only
clock_type	=	1			;include sec, min, hours
;clock_type	=	2			;include day counter
;******	Program constants
tick_lo		=	80			;50000 = msec instruction count
tick_hi		=	195			; for 50MHz, turbo, prescaler=1
int_period	=	163			;period between interrupts
mspersec_hi	=	1000/256		;msec per second hi count
mspersec_lo	=	1000-(mspersec_hi*256)	;msec per second lo count
;****** Register definitions
		org	8			;start of program registers
main            =	$			;main bank
temp            ds	1			;temporary storage
		org	010H			;bank0 variables
clock		EQU	$			;clock bank
time_base_lo	DS	1			;time base delay (low byte)
time_base_hi	DS	1			;time base delay (high byte)
msec_lo		DS	1			;millisecond count (low)
msec_hi		DS	1			;millisecond count (high)

		IF	clock_type>0		;do we want sec, min, hours?
seconds		DS	1			;seconds count
minutes		DS	1			;minutes count
hours		DS	1			;hours count

		IF	clock_type>1		;do we want day count?
days		DS	1			;days count
;*************************** INTERRUPT VECTOR ******************************
; Note: The interrupt code must always originate at 0h.
;	A jump vector is not needed if there is no program data that needs
;	to be accessed by the IREAD instruction, or if it can all fit into
;	the lower half of page 0 with the interrupt routine.
		ORG     0				;interrupt always at 0h
;		JMP	interrupt			;interrupt vector
;**************************** INTERRUPT CODE *******************************
; Note: Care should be taken to see that any very timing sensitive routines
;       (such as adcs, etc.) are placed before other peripherals or code
;       which may have varying execution rates (like the software clock, for
;	   example).
interrupt						;beginning of interrupt code
;****** Virtual Peripheral: Time Clock
; This routine maintains a real-time clock count (in msec) and allows processing
; of routines which only need to be run once every millisecond.
;	Input variable(s) : time_base_lo,time_base_hi,msec_lo,msec_hi
;				seconds, minutes, hours, days
;	Output variable(s) : msec_lo,msec_hi
;				seconds, minutes, hours, days
;	Variable(s) affected : time_base_lo,time_base_hi,msec_lo,msec_hi
;				seconds, minutes, hours, days
;	Flag(s) affected : 
;	Size : 17/39/45 bytes (depending upon clock type)
;		+ 1 if bank select needed
;	Timing (turbo) : [99.9% of time] 14 cycles
;			 [0.1% of time] 17/39/45 cycles (or less)
;			+ 1 if bank select needed
;		BANK	clock			;select clock register bank
		MOV	W,#int_period		;load period between interrupts
		ADD	time_base_lo,W		;add it to time base
		SNC				;skip ahead if no underflow
		INC	time_base_hi		;yes overflow, adjust high byte
		MOV	W,#tick_hi		;check for 1 msec click
		MOV	W,time_base_hi-W	;Is high byte above or equal?
		MOV	W,#tick_lo		;load instr. count low byte
		SNZ				;If hi byte equal, skip ahead
		MOV	W,time_base_lo-W	;check low byte vs. time base
		SC				;skip ahead if low
		JMP	:done_clock		;If not, end clock routine
:got_tick	CLR	time_base_hi		;Yes, adjust time_base reg.'s
		SUB	time_base_lo,#tick_lo	; leaving time remainder
		INCSZ	msec_lo			;And adjust msec count
		DEC	msec_hi			; making sure to adjust high
		INC	msec_hi			; byte as necessary

		IF	clock_type>0		;do we want sec, min, hours?
		MOV	W,#mspersec_hi		;check for 1000 msec (1 sec tick)
		MOV	W,msec_hi-W		;Is high byte above or equal?
		MOV	W,#mspersec_lo		;load #1000 low byte
		SNZ				;If hi byte equal, skip ahead
		MOV	W,msec_lo-W		;check low byte vs. msec count
		SC				;skip ahead if low
		JMP	:done_clock		;If not, end clock routine
		INC	seconds			;increment seconds count
		CLR	msec_lo			;clear msec counters
		CLR	msec_hi			;
		MOV	W,#60			;60 seconds per minute
		MOV	W,seconds-W		;are we at minute tick yet
		JNZ	:done_clock		;if not, jump
		INC	minutes			;increment minutes count
		CLR	seconds			;clear seconds count
		MOV	W,#60			;60 minutes/hour
		MOV	W,minutes-W		;are we at hour tick yet?
		JNZ	:done_clock		;if not, jump
		INC	hours			;increment hours count
		CLR	minutes			;clear minutes count
		ENDIF				;<if> we wanted sec, min, hours

		IF	clock_type>1		;do we want to count days?
		MOV	W,#24			;24 hours per day
		MOV	W,hours-W		;are we at midnight?
		JNZ	:done_clock		;if not, jump
		INC	days			;increment days count
		CLR	hours			;clear hours count
		ENDIF				;<if> we wanted day count
done_int	mov     w,#-int_period     	;interrupt every 'int_period' clocks
		retiw                      	;exit interrupt
;******	End of interrupt sequence
;************************** RESET ENTRY POINT *****************************
;		PAGE	start			;Set page bits and then
;		JMP	start			; jump to start of code
;* Main Program Code *
;		mov     !rb,#%00001111          ;Set RB in/out directions

		CLR     FSR                     ;reset all ram starting at 08h
:zero_ram	SB      FSR.4	                ;are we on low half of bank?
		SETB    FSR.3                   ;If so, don't touch regs 0-7
		CLR     IND                     ;clear using indirect addressing
		IJNZ    FSR,:zero_ram           ;repeat until done

		MOV     !OPTION,#%10011111      ;enable rtcc interrupt
; Main loop
;		BANK    Clock			;set default bank
;	<main program code goes here>
		JMP     :loop			;back to main loop
		END                             ;End of program code


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