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; *****************************************************************************************
; Copyright © [01/26/1999] Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for
; the use of this [product, application, software, any of these products].
; Scenix Semiconductor conveys no license, implicitly or otherwise, under
; any intellectual property rights.
; Information contained in this publication regarding (e.g.: application,
; implementation) and the like is intended through suggestion only and may
; be superseded by updates. Scenix Semiconductor makes no representation
; or warranties with respect to the accuracy or use of these information,
; or infringement of patents arising from such use or otherwise.
; SX Single I2C Master demo.
; Filename:	i2cm_vp.src
; Authors:	Chris Fogelklou and Bruce Wilson
;		Applications Engineers
;		Scenix Semiconductor Inc.
; Revision:	1.05a (preliminary, for review)
; Part:		SX28AC datecode 9929AA 
; Freq:		50Mhz
; Compiled using: SXKey28L v 1.09, SXKey52 v 1.19, SASM 1.44.6 
; Date Written: Aug 23,1999
; Last Revised: May 16,2000
; Introduction:
;   The I2C master Virtual Peripheral™ has been written to enable the user to simply and
; easily operate the SX as a master on an I2C-bus
; Program Description:
;   This program is a very straight forward I2C master demo, which uses the I2C master
; VP as a foundation. Once SX 1 has been programmed with this code, it will begin continuously reading
; a stored string out of SX 2, the slave device. (The I2C slave SX2 has currently been assigned 
; address 40h).  If you wish to read data from a slave at different address simply change the i2cmSlaveAddress
; value in the constants section of the code.
;   To run this demo on the Scenix I2C/UART demo board all you need to do is ensure that this code is  
; programmed into the upper SX on the SX I2C/UART board (U1). If you run the program in debug mode you 
; will see the data read from the I2C slave into the RAM bank 7. If you are not using the Scenix
; I2C/UART demo board then your setup should be as follows:
;	 		    4.7k			
;		    VCC	---/\/\/\--------x 	   x------------ SDA    EEPROM
;	 	 	    4.7k	 |         |	           (Address A0h -> AEh)
;		    VCC	---/\/\/\---x	 |         |    x------- SCL
;				    |    |         |    |
;				    |	 |   SCL   |	|    
;	    MASTER  RA0	------------x-------------------x------- RB0     SLAVE
;	    SX 1			 |   SDA   |       	         SX 2
;		    RA1	-----------------x---------x------------ RB1 (Address 40h)
;   However, the pin definitions on either SX can be easily changed.
; To run this demo ensure that the slave SX is programmed with I2CS.src and reset. By using a scope on 
; the bus lines you will be able to see the transmission of data between the devices at 100kHz.
;   Depending on the speed you wish to operate the I2C-bus at it may be necissary to change the pull-up resistor
; values. It is suggested that you refer to the I2C-bus specification pg. 40. This specificaiton is freely
; available at the Philips web site and has some good information on implementing the I2C specification.
; I2C Multi-Master VP requirements:
;	- 1 RAM bank for I2C Master variables
;	- 300 Bytes of Program memory
;	- Up to 60 instructions every ISR
; Interface Pins:
;		i2cmSclPin	equ     ra.0	; I2C clock
;		i2cmSdaPin	equ     ra.1	; I2C data I/O
; Revision History:
;   1.0		Core I2C state machine implemented by Chris Fogelklou
;   1.01 	Documentation and code revised and updated by Bruce Wilson
;   1.02	Improved multi-master functionality and tested on the Scenix I2C/UART board
;   1.03 	Modified code for SASM assembler and SX52 compatibility
;   1.04	Tested code on the scenix EVAL and I2C/UART boards.
;		Tested operation on both SX52 and SX28 with Parallax and SASM assemblers.
;   1.05a	Rewritten according to VP guide 1.02 (AEH)

; Target SX
; Uncomment one of the following lines to choose the SX18AC, SX20AC, SX28AC, SX48BD,
; or SX52BD. 

; Assembler Used
; Uncomment the following line if using the Parallax SX-Key assembler. SASM assembler
; enabled by default.
;SX_Key			; Uncomment this line to assemble this source code using the
			; Parallax Assembler

	; Assembler directives:
	;	high speed external osc, turbo mode, 8-level stack, and extended option reg.
	;	SX18/20/28 - 4 pages of program memory and 8 banks of RAM enabled by default.
	;	SX48/52 - 8 pages of program memory and 16 banks of RAM enabled by default.

IFDEF SX_Key 				;SX-Key Directives
watch	i2cmRecvString,16,FSTR
  IFDEF SX18_20				;SX18AC or SX20AC device directives for SX-Key
		device	SX18L,oschs2,turbo,stackx_optionx
  IFDEF SX28				;SX28AC device directives for SX-Key		
		device	SX28L,oschs2,turbo,stackx_optionx
  IFDEF SX48_52				;SX48/52/BD device directives for SX-Key
		device	oschs2
		freq	50_000_000
ELSE  					;SASM Directives
  IFDEF SX18_20				;SX18AC or SX20AC device directives for SASM
		device	SX18,oschs2,turbo,stackx,optionx
  IFDEF SX28				;SX28AC device directives for SASM
		device	SX28,oschs2,turbo,stackx,optionx
  IFDEF SX48_52				;SX48BD or SX52BD device directives for SASM
		device	SX52,oschs2  
		id	'I2CM'		;
		reset	resetEntry	; set reset vector

; Macros
	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	;   	To support compatibility between source code written for the SX28 and the SX52,
	;	use macros.

	; Macro: _bank
	; Sets the bank appropriately for all revisions of SX.
	; This is required since the bank instruction has only a 3-bit operand, it cannot
	; be used to access all 16 banks of the SX48/52. For this reason FSR.7 needs to be
	; set appropriately, depending on the bank address being accessed. Use of this macro
	; switches banks correctly, regardless of the part being compiled for.
	; Instead of using the bank instruction to switch between banks, use _bank instead.
_bank	macro	1
	bank	\1

	IFDEF SX48_52
	    IF \1 & %10000000		;SX48BD and SX52BD (production release) bank instruction 
		setb	fsr.7		;modifies FSR bits 4,5 and 6. FSR.7 needs to be set by software.
		clrb	fsr.7

	; Macros for SX28/52 Compatibility
	; Macro: _mode
	; Sets the MODE register appropriately for all revisions of SX.
	; This is required since the MODE (or MOV M,#) instruction has only a 4-bit operand. 
	; The SX18/20/28AC use only 4 bits of the MODE register, however the SX48/52BD have 
	; the added ability of reading or writing some of the MODE registers, and therefore use
	; 5-bits of the MODE register. The  MOV M,W instruction modifies all 8-bits of the 
	; MODE register, so this instruction must be used on the SX48/52BD to make sure the MODE
	; register is written with the correct value. This macro fixes this.
	; So, instead of using the MODE or MOV M,# instructions to load the M register, use
	;  _mode instead.
_mode	macro	1
	IFDEF SX48_52
		mov	w,#\1		;loads the M register correctly for the SX48BD and SX52BD
		mov	m,w
		mov	m,#\1		;loads the M register correctly for the SX18AC, SX20AC
  noexpand				;and SX28AC

	; INCP/DECP macros for incrementing/decrementing pointers to RAM
	; used to compensate for incompatibilities between SX28 and SX52

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	;   	To support compatibility between source code written for the SX28 and the SX52,
	;	use macros.  This macro compensates for the fact that RAM banks are contiguous in
	;	the SX52, but separated by 0x20 in the SX18/28.

INCP	macro	1
		inc	\1
		setb	\1.4		; If SX18 or SX28, keep bit 4 of the pointer = 1
	ENDIF				; to jump from $1f to $30, etc.
DECP	macro	1
	IFDEF	SX48_52
		dec	\1
		clrb	\1.4		; If SX18 or SX28, forces rollover to next bank
		dec	\1		; if it rolls over.  (Skips banks with bit 4 = 0)
		setb	\1.4		; Eg:  $30 --> $20 --> $1f --> $1f
	ENDIF				; AND: $31 --> $21 --> $20 --> $30

	; Error generating macros
	; Used to generate an error message if the label is unintentionally moved into the 
	; second half of a page.  Use for lookup tables.

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	;   	Surround lookup tables with the tableStart and tableEnd macros.  An error will
	;	be generated on assembly if the table crosses a page boundary.
	;	Example:
	;		lookupTable1
	;			add	pc,w
	;		tableStart
	;			retw	0
	;			retw	20
	;			retw	-20
	;			retw	-40
	;		tableEnd

tableStart	macro 0			; Generates an error message if code that MUST be in
					; the first half of a page is moved into the second half.
	if $ & $100
		ERROR  'Must be located in the first half of a page.'

tableEnd	macro 0			; Generates an error message if code that MUST be in
					; the first half of a page is moved into the second half.
	if $ & $100
		ERROR  'Must be located in the first half of a page.'

; Data Memory address definitions
; These definitions ensure the proper address is used for banks 0 - 7 for 2K SX devices
; (SX18/20/28) and 4K SX devices (SX48/52). 

global_org	=	$0A
bank0_org	=	$00
bank1_org	=	$10
bank2_org	=	$20
bank3_org	=	$30
bank4_org	=	$40
bank5_org	=	$50
bank6_org	=	$60
bank7_org	=	$70


global_org	=	$08
bank0_org	=	$10
bank1_org	=	$30
bank2_org	=	$50
bank3_org	=	$70
bank4_org	=	$90
bank5_org	=	$B0
bank6_org	=	$D0
bank7_org	=	$F0


; Global Register definitions
; NOTE: Global data memory starts at $0A on SX48/52 and $08 on SX18/20/28.
		org     global_org

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	;   	Use only these defined label types for global registers.  If an extra temporary 
	;	register is required, adhere to these label types.  For instance, if two temporary
	;	registers are required for the Interrupt Service Routine, use the label isrTemp1
	;	for it.

flags0		equ	global_org + 0  ; stores bit-wise operators like flags 
						; and function-enabling bits (semaphores)

flags1		equ	global_org + 1  ; stores bit-wise operators like flags 
						; and function-enabling bits (semaphores)
localTemp0	equ	global_org + 2	; temporary storage register
						; Used by first level of nesting
						; Never guaranteed to maintain data

	;VP_begin I2C Master
	i2cRecvChar	equ	localTemp0	; receive character

localTemp1	equ	global_org + 3	; temporary storage register	
						; Used by second level of nesting
						; or when a routine needs more than one 
						; temporary global register.	
localTemp2	equ	global_org + 4	; temporary storage register
						; Used by third level of nesting or by
						; main loop routines that need a loop 
						; counter, etc.
isrTemp0	equ	global_org + 5	; Interrupt Service Routine's temp register.  
						; Don't use this register in the mainline.

; RAM Bank Register definitions

	; Bank 0
		org     bank0_org

bank0		= 	$

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	; 	- Avoid using bank0 in programs written for SX48/52.

	; Bank 1
		org     bank1_org 

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	;	Tip 1:
	;	Indicate which Virtual Peripherals a portion of source code or declaration belongs
	;	to with a 
	;			";VP: VirtualPeripheralName"
	;	 comment.
	;	Tip 2:
	;	All RAM location declaration names should be
	;   	- left justified
	;	- less than 2 tabs in length
	;	- written in hungarian notation
	;	- prefixed by a truncated version of the Virtual Peripheral's name
	;	Examples:
	;	;VP: RS232 Transmit
	;	rs232TxBank	=       $                       ;RS232 Transmit bank
	; 	rs232TxHigh	ds      1                       ;hi byte to transmit
	;	rs232TxLow	ds      1                       ;low byte to transmit
	;	rs232TxCount	ds      1                       ;number of bits sent
	;	rs232TxDivide	ds      1                       ;xmit timing (/16) counter
	;	rs232TxString	ds	1			;the address of the string to be sent
	;	rs232TxByte	ds	1			;semi-temporary serial register

;VP: ISR Multithreader

isrMultiplex	ds	1				; The isrMultiplex register is used to switch to a new
							; execution thread on each pass of the ISR.

;VP_begin I2C Master
i2cmBank		=	$	; I2CM bank
i2cmState		ds	1	; This indicates the state that the I2CM master is currently in.
i2cmSubState		ds	1	; This indicates the substate that the I2C master is currently in.
i2cmPortBuf		ds	1	; This buffer holds the current state of the I2C port direction reg's
i2cmBitCount		ds	1	; Indicates the number of bits left to process in read/write
i2cmByte		ds	1	; The byte currently being written/read by the I2C master
i2cmFlags		ds	1
i2cmNack		equ	i2cmFlags.0	; This bit is set if the I2C master has received a NACK from the slave
i2cmRxFlag		equ	i2cmFlags.1 	; Indicates that the number of bytes requested have been received
i2cmIndex		ds	1	; The index into the I2CM buffer, used for writing	
i2cmNumBytes		ds	1	; The index into the I2CM buffer, used for reading

i2cmBuffer		=	$	; The buffer uses the last 7 registers of this bank (pre-increments, so put I2CM buffer here.)
i2cmAddress		ds	1	; The address to read/write to.
i2cmDataBuf		ds	6	; Data buffer, 6 bytes big
; These data registers could easily be placed into another bank if a more are required

	; Bank 2
		org     bank2_org
bank2		=	$

i2cmTimer	=	$
i2cmTimerLow	ds	1		; timer_low
i2cmTimerHigh	ds	1		; timer_high

i2cmVars	=	$
i2cmWritePtr	ds	1		; points to where data can be written
i2cmReadAdr	ds	1		; used to point to address of slave to read

	; Bank 3
		org     bank3_org

bank3		=	$

	; Bank 4
		org     bank4_org

bank4		=	$

	; Bank 5
		org     bank5_org
bank5		=	$

	; Bank 6
		org     bank6_org
bank6		=	$

	; Bank 7
		org     bank7_org
bank7		=	$

i2cmRecvString	=	$	; where a string can be stored

	; Bank 8
		org	$80	;bank 8 address on SX52

bank8		=	$

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	; 	- This extra memory is not available in the SX18/28, so don't use it for Virtual
	;	  Peripherals written for both platforms.

	; Bank 9
		org	$90	;bank 9 address on SX52

bank9		=	$
	; Bank A
		org	$A0	;bank A address on SX52

bankA		=	$
	; Bank B
		org	$B0	;bank B address on SX52

bankB		=	$
	; Bank C
		org	$C0	;bank C address on SX52

bankC		=	$
	; Bank D
		org	$D0	;bank D address on SX52

bankD		=	$
	; Bank E
		org	$E0	;bank E address on SX52

bankE		=	$
	; Bank F
		org	$F0	;bank F address on SX52

bankF		=	$


	; Pin Definitions:  

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	; 	- Store all initialization constants for the I/O in the same area, so
	;	  pins can be easily moved around.
	;	- Pin definitions should follow the same format guidelines as RAM definitions
	;		- Left justified
	;		- Hungarian Notation
	;		- Less that 2 tabs in length
	;		- Indicate the Virtual Peripheral the pin is used for
	;	- Only use symbolic names to access a pin/port in the source code.
	;	- Example:
	;		; VP: RS232 Transmit
	;			rs232TxPin	equ	ra.3

RA_latch	equ	%00001000		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port A latch init
RA_DDIR		equ	%11110111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port A DDIR value
RA_LVL		equ	%00000000		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port A LVL value
RA_PLP		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port A PLP value

	;VP_begin I2C Master
	i2cmPort	equ	ra
	i2cmScl		equ	1		
	i2cmSda		equ	0
	i2cmSclPin	equ     i2cmPort.i2cmScl	; I2C clock
	i2cmSdaPin	equ     i2cmPort.i2cmSda	; I2C data I/O
RB_latch	equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B latch init
RB_DDIR		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B DDIR value
RB_ST		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B ST value
RB_LVL		equ	%00000000		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B LVL value
RB_PLP		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port B PLP value

RC_latch	equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C latch init
RC_DDIR		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C DDIR value
RC_ST		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C ST value
RC_LVL		equ	%00000000		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C LVL value
RC_PLP		equ	%11111111		;SX18/20/28/48/52 port C PLP value
IFDEF SX48_52	;SX48BD/52BD Port initialization values
RD_latch	equ	%00000000		;SX48/52 port D latch init
RD_DDIR		equ	%11111111		;SX48/52 port D DDIR value
RD_ST		equ	%11111111		;SX48/52 port D ST value
RD_LVL		equ	%00000000		;SX48/52 port D LVL value
RD_PLP		equ	%11111111		;SX48/52 port D PLP value

RE_latch	equ	%00000000		;SX48/52 port E latch init
RE_DDIR		equ	%01001111		;SX48/52 port E DDIR value
RE_ST		equ	%11111111		;SX48/52 port E ST value
RE_LVL		equ	%00000000		;SX48/52 port E LVL value
RE_PLP		equ	%11111111		;SX48/52 port E PLP value

; Program constants

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	;	To calculate the interrupt period in cycles:
	;	- First, choose the desired interrupt frequency
	;		- Should be a multiple of each Virtual Peripherals sampling frequency.
	;		- Example:  19200kHz UART sampling rate * 16 = 307.200kHz
	;	- Next, choose the desired oscillator frequency.
	;		- 50MHz, for example.
	;	- Perform the calculation int_period = (osc. frequency / interrupt frequency)
	;				  		= (50MHz / 307.2kHz)
	;						= 162.7604
	;	- Round int_period to the nearest integer:
	;						= 163
	;	- Now calculate your actual interrupt rate:
	;						= osc. frequency / int_period
	;						= 50MHz / 163
	;						= 306.748kHz
	;	- This interrupt frequency will be the timebase for all of the Virtual 
	;	  Peripherals

;int_period	=	166		; This sets the I2C bus frequency.  
int_period	=	83		; This sets the I2C bus frequency.
					; int_period = [clk_speed/(3 x bus_speed)] x threadRate
					; eg. for 100kHz operation: 
					; int_period = [50Mhz/(3 x 100kHz)] x 1/2 = 83
					; The threadRate is the rate the thread is running at 
					; compared to the ISR rate.

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	;	- Include all calculations for Virtual Peripheral constants for any sample 
	;	  rate.
	;	- Relate all Virtual Peripheral constants to the sample rate of the Virtual
	;	  Peripheral.
	;	- Example:
	;		; VP: 5ms Timer
	;		TIMER_DIV_CONST	equ 192	; This constant = timer sample rate/200Hz = 192

;VP_begin I2C Master
i2cmSlaveAddress	equ	$a0	; Address of the slave device that this master will 
;VP_end					;  read data from. 40h = SX Slave, A0h = EEPROM

	; SX48BD/52BD Mode addresses
	; *On SX48BD/52BD, most registers addressed via mode are read and write, with the
	; exception of CMP and WKPND which do an exchange with W.
; Timer (read) addresses
TCPL_R		equ	$00		;Read Timer Capture register low byte
TCPH_R		equ	$01		;Read Timer Capture register high byte
TR2CML_R	equ	$02		;Read Timer R2 low byte
TR2CMH_R	equ	$03		;Read Timer R2 high byte
TR1CML_R	equ	$04		;Read Timer R1 low byte
TR1CMH_R	equ	$05 		;Read Timer R1 high byte
TCNTB_R		equ	$06		;Read Timer control register B
TCNTA_R		equ	$07		;Read Timer control register A

; Exchange addresses
CMP		equ	$08		;Exchange Comparator enable/status register with W
WKPND		equ	$09		;Exchange MIWU/RB Interrupts pending with W

; Port setup (read) addresses
WKED_R		equ	$0A		;Read MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = falling, 1 = rising
WKEN_R		equ	$0B		;Read MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
ST_R		equ	$0C		;Read Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
LVL_R		equ	$0D		;Read Port Level setup, 0 = CMOS, 1 = TTL
PLP_R		equ	$0E		;Read Port Weak Pullup setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
DDIR_R		equ	$0F		;Read Port Direction

; Timer (write) addresses
TR2CML_W	equ	$12		;Write Timer R2 low byte
TR2CMH_W	equ	$13		;Write Timer R2 high byte
TR1CML_W	equ	$14		;Write Timer R1 low byte
TR1CMH_W	equ	$15 		;Write Timer R1 high byte
TCNTB_W		equ	$16		;Write Timer control register B
TCNTA_W		equ	$17		;Write Timer control register A

; Port setup (write) addresses
WKED_W		equ	$1A		;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = falling, 1 = rising
WKEN_W		equ	$1B		;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
ST_W		equ	$1C		;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
LVL_W		equ	$1D		;Write Port Level setup, 0 = CMOS, 1 = TTL
PLP_W		equ	$1E		;Write Port Weak Pullup setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
DDIR_W		equ	$1F		;Write Port Direction

	; SX18AC/20AC/28AC Mode addresses
	; *On SX18/20/28, all registers addressed via mode are write only, with the exception of
	; CMP and WKPND which do an exchange with W.
; Exchange addresses
CMP		equ	$08		;Exchange Comparator enable/status register with W
WKPND		equ	$09		;Exchange MIWU/RB Interrupts pending with W

; Port setup (read) addresses
WKED_W		equ	$0A		;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = falling, 1 = rising
WKEN_W		equ	$0B		;Write MIWU/RB Interrupt edge setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
ST_W		equ	$0C		;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
LVL_W		equ	$0D		;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
PLP_W		equ	$0E		;Write Port Schmitt Trigger setup, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
DDIR_W		equ	$0F		;Write Port Direction

; Program memory ORG defines

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	; 	- Place a table at the top of the source with the starting addresses of all of
	;	  the components of the program.

INTERRUPT_ORG		equ	$0	; Interrupt must always start at location zero
RESET_ENTRY_ORG		equ	$1FB	; The program will jump here on reset.
SUBROUTINES_ORG		equ	$200	; The subroutines are in this location
STRINGS_ORG		equ	$300	; The strings are in location $300
PAGE3_ORG		equ	$400	; Page 3 is empty
MAIN_PROGRAM_ORG	equ	$600	; The main program is in the last page of program memory.


;****************************** Beginning of program space *******************************
	org	INTERRUPT_ORG			; First location in program memory.
; Interrupt Service Routine
; Note: The interrupt code must always originate at address $0.
; Interrupt Frequency = (Cycle Frequency / -(retiw value))  For example:
; With a retiw value of -166 and an oscillator frequency of 50MHz, this
; code runs every 3.32us.

ISR					;3	The interrupt service routine...

;VP: VP Multitasker

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	; - Multi-thread the Interrupt Service Routine
	;	- Produces a FAR smaller worst-case cycle time count, and enables a larger number
	;	  of VP's to run simultaneously.  Also produces "empty" slots that future VP's 
	;	  can be copied and pasted into easily.
	;	- Determine how often your tasks need to run.  (9600bps UART can run well at a 
	;	  sampling rate of only 38400Hz, so don't run it faster than this.)
	;	- Strategically place each "module" into the threads of the ISR.  If a module 
	;	  must be run more often, just call it's module at double the rate or quadruple
	; 	  the rate, etc.…
	;	- Split complicated Virtual Peripherals into several modules, keeping the 
	;	  high-speed portions of the Virtual Peripherals as small and quick as possible, 
	;	  and run the more complicated, slower processing part of the Virtual Peripheral 
	;	  at a lower rate.
	; Virtual Peripheral Multitasker:  up to 24 individual threads, each running at
	;				   the interrupt rate/24.  Change the number of
	;				   table entries for each thread to change the
	;				   sample rate of that thread.
	;	Input variable(s): isr_multiplex: variable used to choose threads
	;	Output variable(s): 		None, executes the next thread
	;	Variable(s) affected: 		isr_multiplex
	;	Flag(s) affected: 		None
	;	Program Cycles:			9 cycles (turbo mode SX28)
	_bank	isrMultiplex		;1 (or 2 in SX52)
	inc	isrMultiplex		;1	; toggle interrupt rates
	mov	w,isrMultiplex		;1
; The code between the tableBegin and tableEnd statements MUST be 
; completely within the first half of a page.  The routines 
; it is jumping to must be in the same page as this table.
tableStart				; Start all tables with this macro.
	add	pc,w			;3
	jmp	isrThread1		;3,9 cycles. 
	jmp	isrThread2		;
	jmp	isrThread1		;
	jmp	isrThread4		;
	jmp	isrThread1		;
	jmp	isrThread5		;
	jmp	isrThread1		;
	jmp	isrThread7		;
	jmp	isrThread1		;
	jmp	isrThread2		;
	jmp	isrThread1		;
	jmp	isrThread9		;
	jmp	isrThread1		;
	jmp	isrThread10		;
	jmp	isrThread1		;
	jmp	isrThread11		;
	jmp	isrThread1		;
	jmp	isrThread2		;
	jmp	isrThread1		;
	jmp	isrThread13		;
	jmp	isrThread1		;
	jmp	isrThread14		;
	jmp	isrThread1		;
	jmp	isrThread16		;
tableEnd				; End all tables with this macro.

;VP: VP Multitasker
isrThread1		; Serviced at ISR rate / 2
	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	; 	The sample rate of this section of code is the isr rate / 4, because it is jumped
	;	to in every 4th entry in the VP Multitaskers table.  To increase the
	;	sample rate, put more calls to this thread in the Multitasker's jump table.

	;VP_begin I2C Master

	; Keep running 16bit timer...
		_bank	i2cmTimer		;1 
		inc	i2cmTimerLow		;1 
		snb	z			;1
		inc	i2cmTimerHigh		;1
	; I2C Master Virtual Peripheral
		_bank	i2cmBank		;1
		mov	w,#i2cmBuffer		;1 ; Switch to I2CM bank and load FSR for
		mov	fsr,w			;1 ; buffer look-up, if needed.
		call	@i2cmISR		;3 + 12/25

	; Update I2C port with buffered port data
		mov	w,m			;1 ; Save the m register.
		mov	isrTemp0,w		;1

		_mode	DDIR_W			;1/2 

		mov	w,i2cmPort		;1
		and	w,#%11111100		;1 ; Clear the data latches for SCL and SDA
		mov	i2cmPort,w		;1
		_bank	i2cmBank		;1 ; Select Master I2C bank
		mov	w,i2cmPortBuf		;1
		mov	!i2cmPort,w		;1 ; Update the I2C port with the buffered port data

		mov	w,isrTemp0
		mov	m,w

		jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution
						;=31/44 + 12/13 + 7 = 50/64

isrThread2		; Serviced at ISR rate / 8
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread3		; Never serviced
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread4		; Serviced at ISR rate / 24
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread5		; Serviced at ISR rate / 24
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread6		; Never serviced
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread7		; Serviced at ISR rate / 24
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread8		; Never serviced
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread9		; Serviced at ISR rate / 24
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread10		; Serviced at ISR rate / 24
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread11		; Serviced at ISR rate / 24
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread12		; Never Serviced
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread13		; Serviced at ISR rate / 24
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread14		; Serviced at ISR rate / 24
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread15		; Never Serviced
	jmp	isrOut			;7 cycles until mainline program resumes execution

isrThread16		; Serviced at ISR rate / 24
;			; This thread must reload the isrMultiplex register 
			; since it is the last one to run in a rotation.
	_bank	isrMultiplex
	mov	w,#255			; Reload isrMultiplex so isrThread1 will be run
	mov	isrMultiplex,w		; on next interrupt.
	jmp	isrOut

	mov	w,#-int_period	;1	; return and add -int_period to the RTCC
	retiw			;3	; using the retiw instruction.


	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	;	The main program operation should be easy to find, so place it at the end of the 
	;	program code.  This means that if the first page is used for anything other than 
	;	main program source code, a reset_entry must be placed in the first page, along 
	;	with a 'page' instruction and a 'jump' instruction to the beginning of the 
	;	main program.
resetEntry					; Program starts here on power-up
	page	_resetEntry
	jmp	_resetEntry

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	;	ORG statements should use predefined labels rather than literal values.

; Subroutines

; I2C Master Interrupt Service Routines

	;VP_begin I2C Master
	; Function: i2cmISR
	; I2C Master Interrupt-Driven State Machine
	; -------------------------------------------
	;	This is the I2C Master Interrupt Service Routine.  It is an interrupt-
	;	driven state machine which allows all of the actions of the I2C Master
	;	controller to be carried out, virtual peripheral style, with virtually
	;	no interaction from the mainline program.  
	;  i2cmIdle
	; 	This is the state that the I2C Master is usually in when it is not in use.
	; 	It just ensures that the i2cmPortBuf SCL and SDA are both set high
	;  i2cmStart
	; 	When any mainline program wants to use the I2C master it puts the master into
	; 	start mode.  This mode creates a start condition on the I2C bus.  A start 
	;	condition is created when SDA goes from high to low while SCL stays high.
	;  i2cmStartWrite
	;	This state performs some pre-processing which allows the i2cmWrite state to
	;	do its work.  It sets up the bit count, gets the next piece of data from the
	;	buffer and prepares to send it.
	;  i2cmWrite
	;	This state writes the data in i2cmByte to the I2C bus
	;  i2cmGetAck
	;	This state gets an ACK from the slave device.  If no ACK is received, the I2C
	;	Master state machine puts a stop condition on the bus and the i2cmFlags 
	;	register is loaded to indicate that a NACK has occurred.
	;  i2cmWriteRepeat
	;	This state determines, after one byte of data is sent, whether or not
	; 	there is another byte to be sent.  If so, this state goes back to i2cmStartWrite
	;	and sends the next byte.
	;  i2cmStop
	;	This state puts a stop condition on the I2C bus and resets the state machine back
	;	to its idle state.  A stop condition is when SDA goes from low to high while SCL
	;	is high.
	;  i2cmStartRead
	;	This state simply loads the contents of the i2cmAddress register into the i2cmByte
	;	register and sets up the i2cmWrite state to output the address of the slave to read.
	;  i2cmReadData	
	; 	This state prepares the I2CM read routine so it can read from the slave device.  It
	;	initializes the bit count, etc.
	;  i2cmRead
	; 	This state read 8 bits of data from the slave device.
	;  i2cmStoreByte
	; 	This state stores the byte just read into the buffer.
	;  i2cmSendAck
	; 	This state sends an ack if there is data left to write, and a NACK if there is
	;	no data left to write.
		mov	w,i2cmState		;1
		add	PC,w			;3 ;Add the state to the program counter
						   ;and go to the state in the jump table.
		; States for I2C Master while idle
i2cmIdleLoc	=	$
		jmp	i2cmIdle		;3 ;If I2C_state = 0, I2C is idle

		; States for I2C Master while writing
i2cmWriteLoc	=	$
		jmp	i2cmStart		;3 ;Make SDA go low while SCL is high
		jmp	i2cmStartWrite		;3 ;Load a byte from the buffer and prepare to send. 
		jmp	i2cmWrite		;3 ;Write it.
		jmp	i2cmGetAck		;3 ;Get an ACK signal
		jmp	i2cmWriteRepeat		;3 ;Check to see if we have finished sending 
						   ;(if buffer read index = buffer write index)
i2cmStopLoc	=	$
		jmp	i2cmStop		;3 ;If write_repeat determines we are finished,
						   ;then send stop

		; States for I2C Master while reading
i2cmReadLoc	=	$		   ;Load this state into state machine if we
						   ;are starting to read
		jmp	i2cmStart		;3 ;
		jmp	i2cmStartRead		;3 ;Write address used for reading
		jmp	i2cmWrite 		;3 ;(writing address)
		jmp	i2cmGetAck		;3 ;

i2cmReadRptLoc =	$
		jmp	i2cmReadData		;3 ;
		jmp	i2cmRead		;3 ;Keep doing this until done
		jmp	i2cmStoreByte		;3 ;
		jmp	i2cmSendAck		;3 ;
		jmp	i2cmStop		;3 ;
	; State: i2cmIdle
	; 	This is the state that the I2C Master is usually in when it is not in use.
	; 	It just ensures that the i2cmPortBuf SCL and SDA are both set high
i2cmIdle	setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda	;1
		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl	;1
		retp				;3 = 5 + 7 = 12

	; State: i2cmStart
	; 	When any mainline program wants to use the I2C master it puts the master into
	; 	start mode.  This mode creates a start condition on the I2C bus.  A start 
	;	condition is created when SDA goes from high to low while SCL stays high.
i2cmStart	mov	w,i2cmSubState		;1
		add	pc,w			;3
		jmp	:state1			;3
		jmp	:state2			;3
		jmp	:state3			;3
		jmp	:state4			;3

:state1	 	setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl	;1
		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda	;1
		inc	i2cmSubState		;1
		retp				;3 = 13 + 7 = 20

:state2		clrb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda	;1
		inc	i2cmSubState		;1
		retp				;3 = 12 + 7 = 19

:state3		clrb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl	;1
		inc	i2cmSubState		;1
		retp				;3 = 12 + 7 = 19

:state4		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda	;1
		clr	i2cmSubState		;1
		inc	i2cmState		;1
		retp				;3 = 13 + 7 = 20

	; State: i2cmStartWrite	
	;	This state performs some pre-processing which allows the i2cmWrite state to
	;	do its work.  It sets up the bit count, gets the next piece of data from the
	;	buffer and prepares to send it.
		inc	i2cmIndex		;1 
		mov	w,i2cmIndex		;1
		add	fsr,w			;1
		mov	w,indf			;1

		mov	i2cmByte,w		;1
		mov	w,#8			;1
		mov	i2cmBitCount,w		;1
		inc	i2cmState		;1
		retp				;3 = 11 + 7 = 18

	; State: i2cmWrite
	;	This state writes the data in i2cmByte to the I2C bus
i2cmWrite	mov	w,i2cmSubState		;1
		add	pc,w			;3
		jmp	:state1			;3
		jmp	:state2			;3
		jmp	:state3			;3

:state1		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda	;1
		rl	i2cmByte		;1
		sb	c			;1
		clrb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda	;1
		inc	i2cmSubState		;1
		retp				;3 = 15 + 7 = 22

:state2		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl	;1
		inc	i2cmSubState		;1
		retp				;3 = 12 + 7 = 19

:state3		clrb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl	;1
		dec	i2cmBitCount		;1
		snb	z			;1
		jmp	:done			;3
		clr	i2cmSubState		;1
		retp				;3 = 15 + 7 = 22

:done		clr	i2cmSubState		;1
		inc	i2cmState		;1
		retp				;3 = 18 + 7 = 25

	; State: i2cmGetAck
	;	This state gets an ACK from the slave device.  If no ACK is received, the I2C
	;	Master state machine puts a stop condition on the bus and the i2cmFlags 
	;	register is loaded to indicate that a NACK has occurred.
i2cmGetAck	mov	w,i2cmSubState		;1
		add	pc,w			;3
		jmp	:state1			;3
		jmp	:state2			;3
		jmp	:state3			;3
		jmp	:state4			;3

:state1		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda	;1
		inc	i2cmSubState		;1
		retp				;3 = 12 + 7 = 19

:state2		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl	;1
		inc	i2cmSubState		;1
		retp				;3 = 12 + 7 = 19

:state3		sb	i2cmSdaPin		;1
		inc	i2cmSubState		;1
		sb	i2cmSdaPin		;1
		retp				;3 = 13 + 7 = 20 ;if no ack,
		mov	w,#(i2cmStopLoc-i2cmIdleLoc);1
		mov	i2cmState,w		;1
		clr	i2cmSubState		;1 ;send a stop and indicate that this didn't work.
		setb	i2cmNack		;1 ;set i2cmNack to show that this did not go through.
		retp				;3 = 17 + 7 = 24

:state4		clrb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl	;1
		clr	i2cmSubState		;1
		inc	i2cmState		;1 ;move on to next state
		retp				;3 = 13 + 7 = 20

	; State: i2cmWriteRepeat
	;	This state determines, after one byte of data is sent, whether or not
	; 	there is another byte to be sent.  If so, this state goes back to 
	;	i2cmStartWrite and sends the next byte.
		mov	w,i2cmNumBytes		;1 ;test the read index to see if it is = to write index.
		xor	w,i2cmIndex		;1 ;if it is, then we have finished writing the buffer via. I2C.
		snb	z			;1
		jmp	:i2cmWriteDone		;3
		dec	i2cmState		;1 ;back to get_ack
		dec	i2cmState		;1 ;back to write
		dec	i2cmState		;1 ;back to write_data
		retp				;3 = 10 + 7 = 17

		inc	i2cmState		;1 ;move on to next state (stop)
		retp				;3 = 10 + 7 = 17	;and start the stop bit	

	; State: i2cmStop
	;	This state puts a stop condition on the I2C bus and resets the state machine back
	;	to its idle state.  A stop condition is when SDA goes from low to high while SCL
	;	is high.
i2cmStop	mov	w,i2cmSubState		;1
		add	pc,w			;3
		jmp	:state1			;3
		jmp	:state2			;3
		jmp	:state3			;3

:state1		clrb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda	;1
		inc	i2cmSubState		;1
		retp				;3 = 12 + 7 = 19

:state2		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl	;1
		inc	i2cmSubState		;1
		retp				;3 = 12 + 7 = 19

:state3		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda	;1
		clr	i2cmSubState		;1 ;put the state machine in Idle
		clr	i2cmState		;1
		clr	i2cmNumBytes		;1
		mov	w,#$ff			;1
		mov	i2cmIndex,w		;1
		retp				;3 = 16 + 7 = 23 

; End of I2C Master state machine

; Jump table

i2cmSendByte		jmp	i2cmSendByte_		;3
i2cmSendBytes		jmp	i2cmSendBytes_		;3
i2cmGetByte		jmp	i2cmGetByte_		;3
i2cmGetBytes		jmp	i2cmGetBytes_		;3
i2cmWaitNotBusy		jmp	i2cmWaitNotBusy_	;3
i2cmInit		jmp	i2cmInit_		;3

; I2C Master Subroutines

	; VP: I2C Master
	; Function: i2cmStartRead
	;	This state simply loads the contents of the i2cmAddress register into the 
	;	i2cmByte register and sets up the i2cmWrite state to output the address 
	;	of the slave to read.
		mov	w,i2cmAddress		; // write how many cycles each instruction take 
		mov	i2cmByte,w
		inc	i2cmIndex		;  
		mov	w,#8
		mov	i2cmBitCount,w
		inc	i2cmState

	; VP: I2C Master
	; Function: i2cmReadData
	; 	This function prepares the I2CM read routine so it can read from the slave 
	;	device. It initializes the bit count, etc.
		mov	w,#8
		mov	i2cmBitCount,w
		inc	i2cmState
		; Read 8 bits of data from the slave device.
i2cmRead	mov	w,i2cmSubState
		add	pc,w
		jmp	:state1
		jmp	:state2
		jmp	:state3

:state1		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl
		inc	i2cmSubState

:state2		sb	i2cmSclPin
		setb	c
		sb	i2cmSdaPin
		clrb	c
		rl	i2cmByte
		inc	i2cmSubState

:state3		clrb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl
		clr	i2cmSubState
		dec	i2cmBitCount
		snb	z
		inc	i2cmState

	; VP: I2C Master
	; Function: i2cmStoreByte
	; 	This function stores the byte just read into the buffer.
		mov	w,i2cmByte
		mov	isrTemp0,w
		inc	i2cmIndex		;  
		mov	w,i2cmIndex
		add	fsr,w
		mov	w,isrTemp0
		mov	indf,w
		inc	i2cmState
		setb	i2cmRxFlag

	; VP: I2C Master
	; Function: i2cmSendAck
	; 	This function sends an ack if there is data left to write, and a NACK if 
	;	there is no data left to write.
		mov	w,i2cmSubState
		add	pc,w
		jmp	:state1
		jmp	:state2
		jmp	:state3
		jmp	:state4	

:state1		clrb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda
		mov	w,i2cmIndex
		xor	w,i2cmNumBytes
		snb	z
		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda
		inc	i2cmSubState

:state2		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl	;Pulse the clock
		inc	i2cmSubState

:state3		sb	i2cmSclPin
		clrb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmScl
		inc	i2cmSubState

:state4		setb	i2cmPortBuf.i2cmSda
		clr	i2cmSubState
		mov	w,i2cmIndex
		xor	w,i2cmNumBytes
		snb	z
		jmp	:done
		mov	w,#(i2cmReadRptLoc - i2cmIdleLoc) ;back to read 
		mov	i2cmState,w

:done		inc	i2cmState		;If this was the last byte to be read, send a stop

; I2C Master Subroutines:  Mainline Access routines (call from the mainline)

	; VP: I2C Master
	; Function: i2cmSendByte
	; 	This routine sets up the I2CM state machine to write the byte of data in
	; 	the i2cmDataBuf register.  Before entering this routine, make sure that
	;	the I2CM state machine is in its idle state (use the i2cmWaitNotBusy 
	;	subroutine) and that the i2cmAddress is loaded with the address of the
	;	slave that this byte is going to, and that i2cmDataBuf is loaded with the
	;	data to send.
		mov	w,#1			;There is one byte of data in the buffer
		mov	i2cmNumBytes,w

	; VP: I2C Master
	; Function: i2cmSendBytes
	; 	This routine sets up the I2CM state machine to write the bytes of data in
	; 	the i2cmDataBuf - i2cmData_n registers.  Before entering this routine, 
	;	make sure that the I2CM state machine is in its idle state (use the 
	;	i2cmWaitNotBusy subroutine) and that i2cmAddress is loaded with the 
	;	address of the slave that this byte is going to, that i2cmDataBuf - i2cmData_n
	;	are loaded loaded with the data to send, and that the i2cmNumBytes register
	;	is loaded with the number of data bytes to send.
		mov	w,#%11111110
		and	i2cmAddress,w
		clrb	i2cmNack
		mov	w,#(i2cmWriteLoc-i2cmIdleLoc)
		mov	i2cmState,w

	; VP: I2C Master
	; Function: i2cmWaitNotBusy
	; 	This routine polls the i2cmState register until it is not busy.  It returns 
	;	when the I2C master state machine becomes idle.  It returns a (0) in the w
	;	register if the transfer appeared successful (ie.  The slave returned an ACK
	;	when addressed), and a (1) in the w register if the slave did not return
	;	an ack when addressed/written.
:wait_loop	test	i2cmState
		sb	z		; wait until I2C is idle
		jmp	:wait_loop
		mov	w,#1		; return (1) if we are idle because a NACK was
		snb	i2cmNack	; received.  Return (0) if we are idle because
		retp			; this was successful
		clr	w		

	; VP: I2C Master
	; Function: i2cmGetByte
	;	This routine gets one byte of data from the slave at address i2cmAddress.
	;	before calling this routine, ensure that the I2C Master State Machine is
	;	in its idle state (use the i2cmWaitNotBusy subroutine) and that the
	;	i2cmAddress register is loaded with a valid address.  The routine returns
	;	with the byte received in the w register and in the i2cmDataBuf register.
:nack		mov	w,#%00000001
		or	i2cmAddress,w
		mov	w,#1
		mov	i2cmNumBytes,w
		clrb	i2cmNack
		mov	w,#(i2cmReadLoc-i2cmIdleLoc)
		mov	i2cmState,w
		call	i2cmWaitNotBusy
		and	w,#$ff
		sb	z
		jmp	:nack
		clrb	i2cmRxFlag
		mov	w,i2cmDataBuf

	; VP: I2C Master
	; Function: i2cmGetBytes
	;	This routine gets i2cmNumBytes of data from the slave at address
	;	i2cmAddress.  Before calling this routine, ensure that the I2CM state
	;	machine is idle by using the i2cmWaitNotBusy subroutine, that i2cmAddress
	;	register contains the address of the slave to be read from, and that the
	;	i2cmNumBytes register is loaded with the number of bytes of data to receive.
	;	The received bytes will be contained in registers i2cmDataBuf to i2cmData_n.
		mov	w,#%00000001
		or	i2cmAddress,w
		clrb	i2cmNack
		clrb	i2cmRxFlag
		mov	w,#(i2cmReadLoc-i2cmIdleLoc)
		mov	i2cmState,w

	; VP: I2C Master
	; Function: i2cmInit
	;	This subroutine should be called on startup.  It initializes the registers
	;	which are critical to the operation of the I2CM state machine.
		mov     w,#%10111111		;Set RB in/out directions 
		mov     i2cmPortBuf,w
		mov	w,#$ff
		mov	i2cmNumBytes,w
		mov	w,#$ff
		mov	i2cmIndex,w

org	STRINGS_ORG		; This label defines where strings are kept in program space.
; Put String Data Here

; Example:
;_hello          dw      13,10,'UART Demo',0

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	; 	- Routines that use location-dependant data, such as in example below, should
	;	  use a LABEL rather than a literal value as their input.  Example:
	;	  instead of
	;		mov     m,#3		 ; move upper nybble of address of strings into m
	;	  use
	;		mov	m,#STRINGS_ORG>>8; move upper nybble of address of strings into m

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	;	To ensure that several Virtual Peripherals, when pasted together, do not cross 
	;	a page boundary without the integrator's knowledge, put an ORG statement and one 
	;	instruction at every page boundary.  This will generate an error if a pasted 
	;	subroutine moves another subroutine to a page boundary.  

	jmp	$	; This instruction will cause an assembler error if the source code before
			; the org statement inadvertantly crosses a page boundary.

org	$500	;

	jmp	$	; This instruction will cause an assembler error if the source code before
			; the org statement inadvertantly crosses a page boundary.



	; Program execution begins here on power-up or after a reset
	; Initialize all port configuration

		_mode	ST_W			;point MODE to write ST register
		mov     w,#RB_ST            	;Setup RB Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!rb,w		
		mov     w,#RC_ST            	;Setup RC Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!rc,w	
		mov     w,#RD_ST            	;Setup RD Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!rd,w		
		mov     w,#RE_ST            	;Setup RE Schmitt Trigger, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!re,w		
		_mode	LVL_W			;point MODE to write LVL register
		mov     w,#RA_LVL            	;Setup RA CMOS or TTL levels, 0 = TTL, 1 = CMOS
		mov	!ra,w		 
		mov     w,#RB_LVL            	;Setup RB CMOS or TTL levels, 0 = TTL, 1 = CMOS
		mov	!rb,w		
		mov     w,#RC_LVL            	;Setup RC CMOS or TTL levels, 0 = TTL, 1 = CMOS
		mov	!rc,w	
		mov     w,#RD_LVL            	;Setup RD CMOS or TTL levels, 0 = TTL, 1 = CMOS
		mov	!rd,w		
		mov     w,#RE_LVL            	;Setup RE CMOS or TTL levels, 0 = TTL, 1 = CMOS
		mov	!re,w		
		_mode	PLP_W			;point MODE to write PLP register
		mov     w,#RA_PLP            	;Setup RA Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!ra,w		 
		mov     w,#RB_PLP            	;Setup RB Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!rb,w		
		mov     w,#RC_PLP            	;Setup RC Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!rc,w	
		mov     w,#RD_PLP            	;Setup RD Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!rd,w		
		mov     w,#RE_PLP            	;Setup RE Weak Pull-up, 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
		mov	!re,w		
		_mode	DDIR_W			;point MODE to write DDIR register
		mov	w,#RA_DDIR		;Setup RA Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input		
		mov	!ra,w	
		mov	w,#RB_DDIR		;Setup RB Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
		mov	!rb,w			
		mov	w,#RC_DDIR		;Setup RC Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
		mov	!rc,w			
		mov	w,#RD_DDIR		;Setup RD Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
		mov	!rd,w			
		mov	w,#RE_DDIR		;Setup RE Direction register, 0 = output, 1 = input
		mov	!re,w			
		mov     w,#RA_latch          	;Initialize RA data latch
		mov     ra,w		
		mov     w,#RB_latch         	;Initialize RB data latch
		mov     rb,w		
		mov     w,#RC_latch          	;Initialize RC data latch
		mov     rc,w		
		mov     w,#RD_latch         	;Initialize RD data latch
		mov     rd,w			
		mov     w,#RE_latch         	;Initialize RE data latch
		mov     re,w			

	; Clear all Data RAM locations

IFDEF SX48_52   				;SX48/52 RAM clear routine
		mov	w,#$0a			;reset all ram starting at $0A
		mov	fsr,w
:zeroRam	clr	ind			;clear using indirect addressing
		incsz	fsr			;repeat until done
		jmp	:zeroRam

		_bank	bank0			;clear bank 0 registers
		clr	$10
		clr	$11
		clr	$12
		clr	$13
		clr	$14
		clr	$15
		clr	$16
		clr	$17
		clr	$18
		clr	$19
		clr	$1a
		clr	$1b
		clr	$1c
		clr	$1d
		clr	$1e
		clr	$1f

ELSE     					;SX18/20/28 RAM clear routine
		clr	fsr			;reset all ram banks
:zeroRam	sb	fsr.4			;are we on low half of bank?
		setb	fsr.3			;If so, don't touch regs 0-7
		clr	ind			;clear using indirect addressing
		incsz	fsr			;repeat until done
		jmp	:zeroRam
	; Initialize program/VP registers

	; VP: I2C Master
	_bank	i2cmBank	; 
	call	@i2cmInit

	; Setup and enable RTCC interrupt, WREG register, RTCC/WDT prescaler

	; Virtual Peripheral Guidelines Tip:
	;	The suggested default values for the option register are:
	;	- Bit 7 set to 0: location $01 addresses the W register (WREG)
	;	- Bit 3 set to 1: Prescaler assigned to WatchDog Timer
	;	If a routine must change the value of the option register (for example, to access
	;	the RTCC register directly), then it should restore the default value for the 
	;	option register before exiting.

RTCC_ON		=	%10000000	;Enables RTCC at address $01 (RTW hi)
					;*WREG at address $01 (RTW lo) by default
RTCC_ID		=	%01000000	;Disables RTCC edge interrupt (RTE_IE hi)
					;*RTCC edge interrupt (RTE_IE lo) enabled by default
RTCC_INC_EXT	=	%00100000	;Sets RTCC increment on RTCC pin transition (RTS hi)
					;*RTCC increment on internal instruction (RTS lo) is default
RTCC_FE		=	%00010000	;Sets RTCC to increment on falling edge (RTE_ES hi)
					;*RTCC to increment on rising edge (RTE_ES lo) is default
RTCC_PS_ON	=	%00000000	;Assigns prescaler to RTCC (PSA lo)
RTCC_PS_OFF	=	%00001000	;Assigns prescaler to WDT (PSA hi)
PS_000		=	%00000000	;RTCC = 1:2, WDT = 1:1
PS_001		=	%00000001	;RTCC = 1:4, WDT = 1:2
PS_010		=	%00000010	;RTCC = 1:8, WDT = 1:4
PS_011		=	%00000011	;RTCC = 1:16, WDT = 1:8
PS_100		=	%00000100	;RTCC = 1:32, WDT = 1:16
PS_101		=	%00000101	;RTCC = 1:64, WDT = 1:32
PS_110		=	%00000110	;RTCC = 1:128, WDT = 1:64
PS_111		=	%00000111	;RTCC = 1:256, WDT = 1:128

OPTIONSETUP	equ	RTCC_ON | RTCC_PS_OFF	; the default option setup for this program.
		mov	w,#OPTIONSETUP		; setup option register for RTCC interrupts enabled 
		mov	!option,w		; and prescaler assigned to WDT.

; Delay Before Starting I2C Transmission.  (approx. 200us)
; This is to give the slaves time to initialize when power is applied to the system.
		_bank	i2cmTimer			; switch to timer bank
		inc	i2cmTimerHigh			; ensure high byte of 16-bit timer is not 0
strtDelay	test	i2cmTimerHigh			; check if is 0
		sb	z
		jmp	strtDelay			; keep checking until is 0


; This can be changed as you like to suit your own application.
; At present data is read from an EEPROM or SX Slave device and the data stored into 
; RAM bank 7.


;VP_begin I2C Master
		_bank	i2cmBank
		mov	w,#i2cmSlaveAddress		; set address of slave to read. 
		mov	i2cmAddress,w
		_bank	i2cmVars			; clear read and write pointers
		clr	i2cmReadAdr			
		clr	i2cmWritePtr

i2cRead		_bank	i2cmVars
		mov	w,i2cmReadAdr
		_bank	i2cmBank
		mov	i2cmDataBuf,w			; load send register with data address		
		call	@i2cmWaitNotBusy		; wait for I2CM state machine to enter idle state
		call	@i2cmSendByte			; send 'want to read' and bank addess to i2c slave
		call	@i2cmWaitNotBusy		; wait for I2CM state machine to enter idle state
		call	@i2cmGetByte			; Gets the byte from slave and returns it in w
		snb	i2cmNack			
		jmp	got_NACK			; indicate no NACK by entering never ending loop
		and	w,#$FF				; check for null character read
		snb	z				; null char, end of string...restart
		jmp	main				; null char, end of string...restart
		mov	i2cRecvChar,w			; save received character

storeChar	_bank	i2cmVars			;
		mov	w,#i2cmRecvString		; set to store data received into bank 7
		add	w,i2cmWritePtr
		mov	fsr,w
		mov	w,i2cRecvChar			; save revcd data to address pointed to by i2cmWritePtr
		mov	indf,w
		_bank	i2cmVars
		inc	i2cmReadAdr			; set to read next address
		inc	i2cmWritePtr			; increment offset of where to save data
		snb	z				; finished reading entire bank...restart
		jmp	main				
		jmp	i2cRead				; read another character from eeprom

got_NACK	jmp	$				; PC here if did not get an ACK from slave
bad_data	jmp	$                               ; PC here if data did not match an 'S'

END		;End of program code

file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/osi2/i2c/i2c_master.src, 72KB, , updated: 2001/10/18 11:39, local time: 2024/10/18 19:06,

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  PICList 2024 contributors:
o List host: MIT, Site host, Top posters @none found
- Page Editors: James Newton, David Cary, and YOU!
* Roman Black of Black Robotics donates from sales of Linistep stepper controller kits.
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