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Scenix Lib IO OSI2 IR DA Isr.src

IsrInfoSeg	MACRO
;  Interrupt Service Routine
;  Updated 19 November 1999 - Nick Kelsey
;  * Fixed fault in IrdaTxData and UartTxData where the stop bit was one
;    interrupt cycle too long.
;  Updated 6 December 1999 - Nick Kelsey
;  * Added RTS/CTS defines for debug UART.

IsrDataSeg	MACRO
;  Interrupt Service Routine

		org	$10	

IsrBank		= 	$10

IsrTime50MHz	=	-108			;50Mhz * 2.17us = 108.5
IsrTime		=	IsrTime50MHz		;Constant = MHz * 2.17us

;**** Isr ****

IsrMReg		ds	1
IsrIntFlags	ds	1

;**** IsrStatus **** (Global varible providing an interface to the Isr)

TimerOverflow	=	IsrStatus.0
IrdaTxStart	=	IsrStatus.1
IrdaTxEmpty	=	IsrStatus.2		;1 = finished sending byte
IrdaRxAvail	=	IsrStatus.3		;1 = received byte available to be read
UartTxStart	=	IsrStatus.4
UartTxEmpty	=	IsrStatus.5
UartRxAvail	=	IsrStatus.6		;1 = received byte available to be read
DebugSend	=	UartTxStart

;**** Irda & Uart Status ****

IrdaUartStatus	ds	1
IrdaRxPulse	=	IrdaUartStatus.0
IrdaRxMode	=	IrdaUartStatus.1	;1 = currently receiving a byte, 0 = idle
IrdaTxMode	=	IrdaUartStatus.2	;1 = currently transmitting a byte, 0 = idle
UartRxMode	=	IrdaUartStatus.3	;1 = currently receiving a byte, 0 = idle
UartTxMode	=	IrdaUartStatus.4	;1 = currently transmitting a byte, 0 = idle

;**** Irda ****

IrdaTxPin	=	rb.7			;Output - Idle Low
IrdaRxPin	=	rb.6			;Input  - Idle High
IrdaRxInt	=	6			;Interrupt = bit 6

Irda9600	=	48			;+0.47%
Irda19200	=	24			;+0.47%
Irda38400	=	12			;+0.47%
Irda57600	=	8			;+0.47%
Irda115200	=	4			;+0.47%

IrdaSpeed	ds	1
IrdaData	ds	1
IrdaRxBits	ds	1
IrdaBitCount	ds	1
IrdaDivide	ds	1

;**** Uart ****

UartTxPin	=	rb.2			;Output - Idle High
UartRxPin	=	rb.0			;Input  - Idle High
UartRtsPin	=	rb.1			;Output
UartCtsPin	=	rb.3			;Input

Uart9600	=	48			;+0.47%
Uart19200	=	24			;+0.47%
Uart38400	=	12			;+0.47%
Uart57600	=	8			;+0.47%
Uart115200	=	4			;+0.47%

UartSpeed	=	Uart115200

UartTxData	=	DebugData		;Global Variable
UartTxBits	ds	1
UartTxBitCount	ds	1
UartTxDivide	ds	1

UartRxData	ds	1
UartRxBits	ds	1
UartRxBitCount	ds	1
UartRxDivide	ds	1

		org	$30

TimerBank	= 	$30			;Shared with Framing layer

Random		ds	1			;Increments every timer interrupt (108 cycles @ 50MHz)
Timer1		ds	1			;Resetable, Increments every timer interrupt (108 cycles @ 50MHz)
Timer2		ds	1			;Resetable, Increments every Timer1 overflow (27648 cycles @ 50MHz)
Timer3		ds	1			;Resetable, Increments every Timer2 overflow (7077888 cycles @ 50MHz)


IsrCodeSeg	MACRO
;  Interrupt Service Routine

GlobalIsr					;Interrupt = Timer
	bank	TimerBank
	inc	Random				;1	Random increment (Note: The main code is synchronous with RTCC and so RTCC is not a random number)
	inc	Timer1				;1	Timer: increment
	snz					;1/2	Timer: overflow ?
	inc	Timer2				;1	Timer: Yes => increment
	snz					;1/2	Timer: overflow ?
	inc	Timer3				;1	Timer: Yes => increment
	snz					;1/2	Timer: overflow ?
	setb	TimerOverflow			;1	Timer: Yes => set flag (Timer = 7 cycles)

	bank	IsrBank				;1
	mov	IsrMReg, m			;2	Backup M register
	mov	m, #WKPND			;1	Set mode to examine port b interrupt flags
	mov	w, #0				;1	Clear W
	mov	!rb, w				;1	Swap contents of W and WKPEN_B (interrupt flags are cleared)
	mov	IsrIntFlags, w			;1	Store cause of interrupt

IrdaIsr						;	Irda -> IrdaRet: Idle = 6 cycles, Tx = 9/19/23 cycles, Rx = 12/21/27 cycles, RxStart = 18 cycles
	snb	IrdaTxMode			;1/2	Irda Tx ?
	jmp	IrdaTxDataIsr			;3	Yes => IrdaTxDataIsr
	snb	IrdaTxStart			;1/2	Irda Tx ?
	jmp	IrdaTxStartIsr			;3	Yes => IrdaTxStartIsr
	snb	IrdaRxMode			;1/2	Irda Rx ?
	jmp	IrdaRxDataIsr			;3	Yes => IrdaRxDataIsr
	snb	IsrIntFlags.IrdaRxInt		;1/2	Falling edge of Rx pin indicating start bit ?
	jmp	IrdaRxStartIsr			;3	Yes => IrdaRxStartIsr
IrdaRet						;	Irda -> IrdaRet: Idle = 6 cycles, Tx = 9/19/23 cycles, Rx = 12/21/27 cycles, RxStart = 18 cycles

	snb	UartTxMode			;1/2	Transmitting ?
	jmp	UartTxDataIsr			;3	Yes => UartTxDataIsr
	snb	UartTxStart			;1/2	Start transmit ?
	jmp	UartTxStartIsr			;3	Yes => UartTxStartIsr

	snb	UartRxMode			;1/2	Receiving ?
	jmp	UartRxDataIsr			;3	Yes => UartRxDataIsr
	sb	UartRxPin			;1/2	Start bit ? (start bit = 0)
	jmp	UartRxStartIsr			;3	Yes => UartRxStartIsr

	mov	m, IsrMReg			;2	Restore M register
	mov	w, #IsrTime			;1	Interrupt in 108 @ 50Mhz cycles
	retiw					;3	Total Isr Time = x cycles

IrdaTxDataIsr					;	Time = 5/13/16/20 cycles
	clrb	IrdaTxPin			;1	return to idle
	decsz	IrdaDivide			;1/2
	jmp	IrdaRet				;3	Isr Time = +5 cycles from IrdaTxIsr
	decsz	IrdaBitCount			;1/2	Sent all bits?
	jmp	:Bit				;3	No => output next bit
:End	snb	IrdaTxStart			;1/2	Yes => complete, Another byte to transmit?
	jmp	IrdaTxStartIsr			;3	Yes => IrdaTxStartIsr
	clrb	IrdaTxMode			;1	Finished
	setb	IrdaTxEmpty			;1	Flag to indicate that the transmission is complete
	clrb	ledTX				;1	Turn off TX LED (indication LED not actual IR emitter)
	jmp	IrdaRet				;3	Isr Time = +19 cycles from IrdaTxIsr
:Bit	sb	IrdaData.0			;1/2	Output next bit
	setb	IrdaTxPin			;1	Output next bit
	stc					;1	Stop bit (idle = 1)
	rr	IrdaData			;1
	mov	IrdaDivide, IrdaSpeed		;2	Apply baud rate
	jmp	IrdaRet				;3	Isr Time = +16 cycles from IrdaTxIsr

	clrb	IrdaTxStart			;1	Clear start mode
	setb	ledTX				;1	Turn on TX LED (indication LED not actual IR emitter)
	setb	IrdaTxPin			;1	Output start pulse (note position of this instruction is such that it matches the setb of the TxDataIsr)
	mov	IrdaDivide, IrdaSpeed		;2	Apply baud rate
	mov	IrdaBitCount, #10		;2	Bit count = 8 data + 1 stop + 1 for stop bit to complete
	setb	IrdaTxMode			;1	Enter Tx mode
	jmp	IrdaRet				;3	Isr Time = +n cycles

IrdaRxDataIsr					;	Time = 4/13/19 cycles
	snb	IsrIntFlags.IrdaRxInt		;1/2	Was a pulse received ?
	setb	IrdaRxPulse			;1	Yes => Flag pulse
	decsz	IrdaDivide			;1/2
	jmp	IrdaRet				;3	Isr Time = +4 cycles from IrdaRxIsr
	clc					;1	Determine bit
	sb	IrdaRxPulse			;1/2	Determine bit
	stc					;1	Determine bit
	rr	IrdaRxBits			;1	Record bit
	clrb	IrdaRxPulse			;1	Reset pulse flag
	mov	IrdaDivide, IrdaSpeed		;2	Apply baud rate
	decsz	IrdaBitCount			;1/2
	jmp	IrdaRet				;3	Isr Time = +13 cycles from IrdaRxIsr
	mov	IrdaData, IrdaRxBits		;2	Copy bits into IrdaData
	clrb	IrdaRxMode			;1	Finished
	setb	IrdaRxAvail			;1
	clrb	ledRX				;1	Turn off RX LED (indication LED not actual IR emitter)
	jmp	IrdaRet				;3	Isr Time = +19 cycles from IrdaRxIsr

IrdaRxStartIsr					;	Time = 10 cycles
	setb	ledRX				;1	Turn on RX LED (indication LED not actual IR emitter)
	clc					;1
	mov	w, >>IrdaSpeed			;1	W = IrdaSpeed / 2
	mov	IrdaDivide, w			;1	IrdaDivide = IrdaSpeed * 0.5
	mov	IrdaBitCount, #9		;2	Bit count = 9 (1/2 start, 8 data, ignore stop)
	setb	IrdaRxMode			;1	Enter rx mode
	jmp	IrdaRet				;3	Isr Time = +10 cycles from IrdaRxStartIsr

UartTxDataIsr					;	Time = 4/11/17 cycles
	decsz	UartTxDivide			;1/2
	jmp	UartTxRet			;3	Isr Time = +n cycles from UartTxIsr
	decsz	UartTxBitCount			;1/2	Sent all bits?
	jmp	:Bit				;3	No  => output next bit
:End	snb	UartTxStart			;1/2	Yes => complete, Another byte to transmit?
	jmp	UartTxStartIsr			;3	Yes => UartTxStartIsr
	clrb	UartTxMode			;1	No => Complete
	setb	UartTxEmpty			;1	Flag to indicate that the transmission is complete
	jmp	UartTxRet			;3	Complete
:Bit	movb	UartTxPin, UartTxBits.0		;4	Output next bit
	stc					;1	Stop bit (idle = 1)
	rr	UartTxBits			;1
	mov	UartTxDivide, #UartSpeed	;2	Apply UartSpeed
	jmp	UartTxRet			;3	Isr Time = +n cycles from UartTxIsr

	clrb	UartTxPin			;1	Output start bit
	mov	UartTxBits, UartTxData		;2	Load data for transmission
	mov	UartTxDivide, #UartSpeed	;2	Apply UartSpeed
	mov	UartTxBitCount, #10		;2	Bit count = 8 data + 1 stop + 1 for stop bit to complete
	clrb	UartTxStart			;1	Clear start mode
	setb	UartTxMode			;1	Enter Tx mode
	jmp	UartTxRet			;3	Isr Time = +n cycles

	decsz	UartRxDivide			;1/2
	jmp	UartRxRet			;3	Isr Time = +n cycles
	decsz	UartRxBitCount			;1/2
	jmp	:Read				;3
:Stop	mov	UartRxData, UartRxBits		;2	Copy bits into UartData
	clrb	UartRxMode			;1	Finished
	setb	UartRxAvail			;1
	jmp	UartRxRet			;3	Isr Time = +n cycles
:Read	clc					;1	Determine bit
	snb	UartRxPin			;1/2	Determine bit
	stc					;1	Determine bit
	rr	UartRxBits			;1	Record bit
	mov	UartRxDivide, #UartSpeed	;2	Apply baud rate
	jmp	UartRxRet			;3	Isr Time = +n cycles

	mov	UartRxDivide, #UartSpeed / 2	;2	UartDivide = UartSpeed * 0.5
	mov	UartRxBitCount, #10		;2	Bit count = 10 (1/2 start, 8 data, 1 stop)
	setb	UartRxMode			;1	Enter rx mode
	jmp	UartRxRet			;3	Isr Time = +n cycles

	clr	IsrStatus
	bank	IsrBank
	clr	IrdaUartStatus
	mov	IrdaSpeed, #Irda9600
	mov	!option, #%10011111		;enable rtcc interrupt


file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/osi2/ir/da/ISR.SRC, 9KB, , updated: 1999/12/6 15:37, local time: 2024/10/18 13:05,

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